International Telecommunication Union (ITU) organized a workshop on
“Future technology trends towards 2030” which took place from
24 – 25 July 2023 at the ITU headquarters, Room H in Montbrillant building, in Geneva, Switzerland. The workshop was collocated with the WP1/13, WP2/13 and WP3/13 meetings taking place on 26 July 2023 and the Q16/13 Rapporteur group meeting on 17 - 21 July 2023, which took place at the same venue. Remote participation was provided for the workshop.
The sessions of the workshop were held as follows:
24 July 2023: IMT-2030 (morning) and the next Web (afternoon);
25 July 2023: Quantum network (morning) and Deterministic Communications and Services (afternoon).
For the 2030 timeframe and beyond, many telecommunications stakeholders, including academia, operators, vendors, and regulatory bodies, are currently engaged in interesting work in several SDO's, alliances and consortia to identify technology trends and visions for future telecommunication infrastructure and services. These activities include the technical evaluation for IMT-2030, the next Web, quantum network as well as deterministic communications and services.
Accordingly, the workshop aimed:
- To give an overview of the identified future technology towards 2030 (i.e., IMT-2030, the next Web, quantum network, deterministic communications and services);
- To present the major current and future activities of related groups working on the future technology, including SDOs, consortia and forums;
- To provide a forum for both industry and academia to exchange their ideas about future technology trends, considering the technical evolution in the year 2030 and thereafter;
- To share their visions, views, findings, latest research activities, and discuss future standardization plan.
Participation in the workshop was open to ITU Member States, Sector Members, Associates and Academic Institutions and to any individual from a country that is a member of ITU who wished to contribute to the work. This included individuals who are also members of international, regional and national organizations.
Watch recording here: