ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world


​​​​ Person Icon Alberto Santos Capra
Consultor internacional, ONU Ambiente & Centro Regional Basilea para América del Sur  

Licenciado en Ciencias Químicas con posgrado en higiene y seguridad en el trabajo de la Universidad de Morón de Buenos Aires, Argentina; con especializaciones en derecho ambiental de la Universidad Austral Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, y manejo de residuos sólidos de la Universidad Tecnológica de la Ciudad de Dresden, Alemania, y maestría en Gestión Ambiental de la Universidad Nacional (UNSAM) de San Martín de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Docente de grado y posgrado en universidades públicas y privadas, principalmente UNSAM, Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (UBA) y Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA). Consultor internacional de ONU Ambiente y el Centro Regional Basilea para América del Sur en Proyectos nacionales y regionales. Trabajó 18 años en el actual Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible (MAyDS) de la Nación como profesional técnico especializado en manejo de químicos y residuos peligrosos llevando las agendas internacionales de químicos y desechos representando al país en programas nacionales e internacionales asociados a las Convenciones de Basilea, Estocolmo, Mercurio y Rotterdam. Fue Coordinador y Director de Residuos Peligrosos; Punto de Contacto Técnico del Convenio de Basilea, Presidente del Cuerpo Subsidiario Comité de Cumplimiento y Aplicación, y Co-presidente de diversos grupos y asociaciones en el marco de las Convenciones aludidas. Se desempeñó 4 años en la Autoridad de Cuenca Matanza Riachuelo como experto profesional técnico en la entonces Dirección General Ejecutiva y Coordinador de Impacto Ambiental en la Dirección de Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental y Social. Además, se desempeñó 3 años como asesor en la Dirección Nacional de Industria Sostenible y posteriormente como Director Nacional de Producción Minera Sustentable de la Secretaría de Minería en el entonces Ministerio de Desarrollo Productivo. Finalmente, se desempeñó en la Unidad de Gabinete de la Secretaría de Política Ambiental en Recursos Naturales del MAyDS llevando la agenda internacional, especialmente el proceso de actualización del Marco Mundial Post 2020 sobre diversidad biológica de la Convención en la materia y actualmente como Co-presidente del Grupo de Movimiento Transfronterizo de la Asociación de Desechos Plásticos en el ámbito de la Convención de Basilea. ​
​​​ Person Icon Emiliano Castro
Responsable Técnico, Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible​;

Emiliano Castro es consultor ambiental desempeñando tareas como auditor interno para la implementación en Sistemas de Gestión Ambiental ISO 14001. Actualmente Consultor Técnico en Argentina para el Proyecto ONUDI – GEF “Fortalecimiento de las iniciativas nacionales y mejora de la cooperación regional para la gestión ambientalmente racional de los COP en RAEE en países de América Latina” ​
​​ Person Icon Francesca Cenni
Programme Management Officer, Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions Secretariat

Francesca Cenni is a programme management officer in the Science and Technical Assistance Branch of the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions Secretariat (BRS). She is the focal point for activities in cooperation with the ITU, including study group five on question seven on e-waste, circular economy, and sustainable supply chain management. In the Secretariat, she coordinates the Partnership for Action on Challenges relating to E-waste (PACE II), and is responsible for technical assistance activities in emergencies, on Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of waste-lead acid batteries, ESM of e-waste, and mercury wastes. She also serves as focal point for BRS technical assistance activities in Latin America and the Caribbean. Ms. Cenni is one of the authors of the E-waste Challenge MOOC and, in the past, she coordinated the Probo Koala assistance programme in Africa, the E-waste Africa programme, the Waste Mercury and Lead programmes of the Basel Convention, facilitating projects in cooperation with the Basel Regional Centres. Ms. Cenni, an Italian national, holds a master’s degree in environmental sciences from Bologna University, in Italy, and worked as a researcher at Lund University, in Sweden, where she specialized in marine toxicology.
​​ Person Icon Leila Devia
Director of Basel Convention Regional Centre for South America

​​Lawyer, specialist in the legal regime of natural resources from the UBA, doctor in legal sciences from the Universidad del Salvador; she has done postdoctoral studies at the UBA. Currently, she is an undergraduate and graduate professor of Environmental Law at the UBA, at the Universities of Belgrano, UADE, USAL, UNSAM, ITBA, UCEMA; professor of the Doctorate of the UBA and the USAL; Associate Professor at the University of Belgrano; Visiting Professor at the University of Toulouse and Paris X University. She completed postgraduate studies in the United States, Japan and the Netherlands; and Head of the Legal Regime of Natural Resources of the Franco Argentina career of the University of Salvador. She is also the Director of the Regional Center for Training and Technology Transfer dependent on the BASEL Agreement and coordinator of Environmental Regulations of the National Institute of Industrial Technology. She is the author of numerous publications including: Climate Change (an Argentine look in relation to international trade and forest management), co-author of The paper mills in question and coordinator of the book MERCOSUR and the Environment. She is also an expert reviewer for the United Nations Intergovern​​mental Panel on Climate Change.
Carlos Hernández (English Version)
LAC E-Waste Project Coordinator, ONUDI – PREAL

With a degree in Chemical Engineering, Carlos has 30 years of professional experience as an environmental consultant in pollution control, cleaner production, and WEEE management. After completing his master's degree in environmental engineering, Carlos served as technical director of the Responsible Care Program on integrated management systems, environmental auditor for the Andean Development Corporation, CAF, and teacher in different areas of environmental engineering. During the last 12 years, he has been involved with the management of electronic waste, where he has been co-author of several publications and has served as director of the SRI project for the environmentally sound management of WEEE in Colombia, funded by the Swiss Government. Since 2018, he has been the regional coordinator of the project “Strengthening of National Initiatives and Enhancement of Regional Cooperation for the Environmentally Sound Management of POPs in Waste of Electronic or Electrical Equipment (WEEE) in Latin American Countries”, which is financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and executed by UNIDO in 13 countries of the region.

(Spanish Version)
 Coordinador del Proyecto LAC E-Waste, UNIDO– PREAL

Graduado en Ingeniería Química, Carlos tiene 30 años de experiencia profesional como consultor ambiental en control de contaminación, producción más limpia y manejo de RAEE. Luego de completar su maestría en ingeniería ambiental, Carlos se desempeñó como director técnico del Programa de Cuidado Responsable en sistemas integrados de gestión, auditor ambiental de la Corporación Andina de Fomento, CAF, y docente en diferentes áreas de la ingeniería ambiental. Durante los últimos 12 años ha estado involucrado en la gestión de residuos electrónicos, donde ha sido coautor de varias publicaciones y se ha desempeñado como director del proyecto SRI para la gestión ambientalmente racional de RAEE en Colombia, financiado por la cooperación Suiza. Desde 2018 es coordinador regional del proyecto “Fortalecimiento de iniciativas nacionales y mejora de la cooperación regional para el manejo ambientalmente racional de COP en residuos de equipos eléctricos y electrónicos (RAEE) en países de América Latina”, que es financiado por la Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial (FMAM) y ejecutado por ONUDI en 13 países de la región.
​​ Person IconKeira Ives-Keeler
Editor and Media Specialist, UNIDO
Keira Ives-Keeler works in communications at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), focusing on projects related to e-waste and circular economy in the Latin American region and beyond. Keira also represents UNIDO in the emerging UN E-Waste Coalition. Originally from the UK, Keira speaks a number of languages, having spent time working and studying in Russia, Italy and Cuba. She trained as a professional conference interpreter and translator with Spanish and Russian at Leeds University. ​With a background in communications and cultural relations, Keira previously held the position of Assistant Director of the British Council in Russia. Since completing a Diploma in Professional Marketing with the Chartered Institute of Marketing in 2016, she has led communications campaigns on a wide range of topics from space to climate action.
Person IconBilel Jamoussi
​​​Chief of Study Groups, TSB, ITU
Tunisian born, Dr. Bilel Jamoussi is Chief of the Study Groups Department of ITU Standardization Bureau in Geneva Switzerland. Since 2010, he has been leading the bureau’s standards making activities into a new era characterized by rapid convergence and the need for increased collaboration with vertical sectors and partnership between developed and developing countries. Prior to 2010, Jamoussi worked for a Telecommunication equipment and solutions provider for 15 years in Canada and then in the United States where he held several leadership positions and was granted 22 US patents in diverse areas including packet, optical, wireless, and quality of service. He holds a BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in Computer Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University, USA. He is fluent in Arabic, French, and English and speaks some Spanish and German.​​
Person IconPatrick Lyon Moreno​
President, E-waste LATAM
Patrick is a partner at DEGRAF (Sociedad Comercial DEGRAF SpA), a leading WEEE recycling company in Chile with more than 40 years in the recycling business and 20 specifically in WEEEs. Previously he worked as CEO, Executive Director and advisor in different companies in the Consumer Electronics and Retail business in Chile. He is currently the President of eWasteLatam, a regional group of electronic waste management companies, which promotes the highest standards of environmental and social performance, aligned with the principles of the Circular Economy. Patrick holds a B.A. in Business and Economics and a Master in Business Administration, both from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.​
Person Icon Candela Nassi​​
Chief of Staff at Secretary of Environmental Control and Monitoring, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Argentina

María Candela Nassi es abogada, especialista en derecho ambiental por la UBA. Actual jefa de gabinete de la secretaría de control y monitoreo ambiental del ministerio de ambiente y desarrollo sostenible de Argentina. Docente universitaria de grado y posgrado.
Person Icon Reyna Ubeda
​​Project Officer, ITU

​Reyna Úbeda studied Industrial Engineering and she completed a Master on International Management from the University for Economics and Environment Nürtingen- Geislingen in 2014. She joined the ITU’s Standardization Bureau in 2015. She is the Advisor of ITU-T Study Group 5 on Environment, Climate Change and Circular Economy. Reyna speaks English, Spanish and German.
Person Icon Dominique Wü​rges
​​ITU-T SG5 Chairman​​​

​Dominique Würges is currently Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 5 ​ and Director of Institutional Relations for Standardisation within Orange. He is responsible for relationships with international organizations involved in standardization activities at national and international levels (ITU, ETSI, AFNOR, etc.), and participates in the governance meetings of these organizations. He is also vice-chair of ITU-D SG2 (ICT services and applications). He is active in many issues addressed by SDOs and foras, such as Green ICTs, network security, relations between carriers, or the evolution of the broadcasting standardization and system. At the European level, he is currently Vice-Chair of ETSI General Assembly, elected in 2018. Within European Commission, he is a Member of the European ICT Standardisation policy multi-stakeholder platform for ICTs standardization, representing ETNO. He is also a member of the French National Standardisation Organisation Strategic Committee and part of the Digital Broadcast Forum (FAVN). He has previously been Responsible for France Telecom’s External Relations and multilateral affairs, in charge of organizations focused on telecommunications questions, and before was Head of the Data and Directories Department of France Telecom. Education: Diploma from the ENSPTT/ENA (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des PTT); Master’s Degree in Telecommunications and Broadcasting Management (Paris Dauphine); Diploma from Political Science Institute in Strasbourg.