ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world


​​Les Brown
Q3 Rapporteur, ITU-T​​

Les Brown has over 40 years of experience specializing in the standardization of wire-line data communication technologies, including voice-band modems, DSL modems, and wire-line based home networking. He has held many leadership positions in ITU-T and Broadband Forum over the years. Les is currently the Rapporteur for ITU-T Question 18 of Study Group 15 and Associate Rapporteur for ITU-T Question 4 of Study Group 15.
Olivier Caytan
Ghent University

​Olivier Caytan received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, in 2014 and 2019, respectively. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher with the Electromagnetics Group, Department of Information Technology, Ghent University/imec. His research interests include microwave engineering and active antenna systems, in particular mm-wave opto-electronic antenna systems for 5G and beyond.
Philippe Chanclou
Manager, Fixed Access Networks team, Orange Labs

​Philippe Chanclou received the Ph. D. and Habilitation degrees in 1999 and 2007. Since 2004, he joined Orange where he was engaged in research on the next generation optical access networks. He is manager of Fixed Access Networks team which involves on FTTx topics for Home, Enterprise and Antenna.

​​Qiang Cheng
Director, Broadband Network Technologies and Standards, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT)

Qiang Cheng is a senior expert in the standardization, and has over 20 years of experience specializing in the research and standardization of access/home network technologies, e.g. DSL, PON, VLC, Wi-Fi. He actively participates in ITU-T SG15 Q18 and CCSA TC6 WG2. He has drafted more than 20 China national standards in access/home network area. As an editor, he participated in the formulation of G.vlc and G.fin-SA recommendations. ​

​​Chris Cho
Overseas Manager, Dark Energy

Chris Cho is the overseas manager at Dark Energy, and has been focusing on FTTR exploration in SME for more than 3 years.
Frank Effenberger
Q2 RapporteurITU-T

Dr. Effenberger has worked in the optical access field at Bellcore, Quantum Bridge Communications (Motorola), and Futurewei Technologies, where he is now the Fellow for fixed access network technology. His team works on forward-looking fiber access technologies, with several “world’s first” prototypes and trials. Frank is the rapporteur for ITU-T Q2/15, vice chair of ETSI F5G ISG, is a Fellow of the OSA and the IEEE, and holds 130 US patents.​
Jose Galan
Principal Standards Engineer, MaxLinear Inc.

Jose is MSc Eng in Telecommunications by the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV). He also holds a PhD in Silicon Photonics from UPV and Fraunhofer IZM in Berlin. He has worked as Project Manager and Presales Engineer since 2010 in Telecom and Automotive sectors. He has managed several GPON ONU development projects and led the definition and standardization of innovative WDM-PON and NG-PON2 system solutions. He has also worked as Sales and Marketing Manager in the field of Silicon Photonic integrated circuits for Datacom (400G-DR4 PAM4) and Telecom (400G-ZR/ZR+ coherent) optical transceiver applications. In Maxlinear he is responsible of xPON and xDSL standardization activities.​
Ronald Heron
Lead Technology Strategist, Fixed Networks CTO team, Nokia, Ottawa, Canada 

Ronald Hero​n is responsible for next generation access fiber strategies at Nokia. As an Electrical Engineer from Concordia University in Montreal, he has guided development and deployment of FTTH, DSL, radio and long-haul fiber networks, first at the operator Bell Canada, then at the vendor Alcatel and now Nokia. Based in Ottawa, Canada, he provides CTO technology guidance and is an active contributor to industry fora and optical access conferences around the world.
​​​​​Junwei Li
Manager, Optical Access and Home Network Research Dept., China Mobile Research Institute
He is a senior expert and mainly engages in technical research and standardization on advanced technology of fiber access network and home network, and has extensive experience of WLAN technology Research as well. And he also serves as the co-editor of ITU-T recommendation G.FIN-PHY.
Lincoln Lavoie
Technical Chair, Broadband Forum

Lincoln Lavoie is a senior engineer at the University of New Hampshire Interoperability Laboratory, responsible for the Broadband and Open Source programs offered by the lab, including: 5G, NFV, Gfast, DSL, Wi-Fi, and PON programs. He currently serves as the technical chair of the Broadband Forum and is a member of the Linux Foundation Anuket TSC. Lincoln has worked in the broadband industry for the past 20 years, with a focus on access technologies, and most recently the migration to virtualized and disaggregated technologies. Lincoln received his Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of New Hampshire in 2008.
L​uca Pesando​​
ETSI ISG F5G | Coordinator, Fixed Access and Transport Standardisation, Telecom Italia

Luca has more than twenty-five years of experience in Information and Communication Technologies with Telecom Italia. In the company, he is coordinator of the fixed access and transport standardisation since 2006. At present Luca is co-chairman of WP1 in SG13 of ITU-T. In ETSI he is vice-chairman of ISG Experiential Network Intelligence (ENI), where he is also part of the PoC management team and he has been WI rapporteur. Few weeks ago he was elected chairman of ISG F5G. In the past, Luca has covered leading roles in various standards initiatives.
​​​​Yue Sun
Engineer, Optical Access Research Dept., China Unicom Research Institute

Yue Sun is an expert in optical access field of China Unicom and has been engaged in research and standardization on optical access technology for years, including the next-generation PON, industrial PON, FTTR and ODN. Currently he is serving as the editor of ITU-T recommendation G.fin-NM.
Tony Zeng
Q3 Representative, ITU-T | Standard Director, Home Network, Optical Business Product Line, Huawei

Tony is now the standard director of home network in Huawei Optical Business Product Line, leading a home network standard group for standard development of ITU-T SG15 Q18, IEEE 802.11, ETSI ISG F5G, BBF PHYtx/BUS, CCSA TC6, etc. He actively participates in various standard areas of home network, e.g. ​networking technologies, Wi-Fi testing, network management, IoT protocols. In ITU-T SG15 Q18, Tony focus on home connection technologies, including Fibre-to-The-Room (G.fin), Unified wire-line communication standard series (,​ light communication standard (G.vlc). He is now the Associate Rapporteur of ITU-T Q18/SG15. 
​​DeZhi Zhang
Director, Access Network Research Center, China Telecom Research Institute

DeZhi Zhang is a senior expert in the optical access field of China Telecom, and has over 20 years of experience  specializing in the research and standardization of fixed network communication technologies, including next-generation PON, industrial PON, Access network SDN and intelligent Operation, FTTR. As an editor, he has participated in the formulation of several ITU-T PON recommedations.
​​Juan Zhou
Engineer, Optical Cable Technical Dept., Jiangsu Zhongtian Technology Co., Ltd

Juan Zhou is an expert in optical cable field of Jiangsu Zhongtian Technology and has been engaged in research and standardization on optical cable technology for years, including optical cable installed along electrical line, telecommunication optical cables and test methods, cabling in home network etc. 