14:00 - 14:15
| Opening Remarks
Denis Andreev, Advisor of ITU-T SG11, TSB, ITU
14:15 - 14:25 |
Introduction to the Workshop Agenda / Brainstorming Session and Panel
Ranganai Chaparadza, Senior Altran CapGemini Technical & Technology Consultant, Vodafone and
Tayeb Ben Meriem, ETSI TC INT AFI WG Chair & Senior Standardization Manager, Orange
14:25 - 15:55 | SESSION 1: Overview of Ongoing Related Activities in the Groups in ITU-T, ETSI and IEEE; and Presentation/Discussions on Reference Model and APIs for Testbeds Federations for 5G & Beyond and its Required Ecosystem.
Objectives: The session will focus on presenting the ongoing activities in ITU-T SG11, ETSI TC INT and IEEE INGR Testbeds WG that are of relevance to Testbeds for 5G & Beyond. The session then presents the ongoing work on standardizing a Reference Model for Testbeds Federations and associated APIs requirements. The session then discusses the Roles that various Stakeholders can play in the Ecosystem. Stakeholders such as SDOs/Fora, Research Communities, Researchers on 5G and Beyond, Industry Users of Testbeds, Testbeds Suppliers for 5G Testbeds and other Testbeds, CSPs (Communications Service Providers), Infrastructure Vendors/Suppliers for ICT and Verticals, Open Source & Open Hardware Projects, Regulators, and any other parties of interest. Moderator:
Giulio Maggiore, ETSI TC INT Chair, Telecom Italia
Overview of ITU-T SG11 testbeds related activities: Denis Andreev, Advisor of ITU-T SG11, TSB, ITU and Martin Brand, A1 Telekom Austria [ Presentation ]
ETSI TC INT Brief Overview about the Group, and Summary of Testbeds related Activities: Giulio Maggiore, ETSI TC INT Chair, Telecom Italia [ Presentation ]
IEEE INGR Testbeds WG Brief Overview about the Group, and Summary of Testbeds related Activities: Ivan Seskar, IEEE INGR Testbeds WG Chair and Chief Technologist, WINLAB, Rutgers University & Mohammad Patwary, Professor of Telecommunications & Director of Centre for Future Networks & Autonomous Systems (CeFNAS), University of Wolverhampton & IEEE INGR Testbeds WG Chair [ Presentation ]
Reference Model and APIs for Testbeds Federations for 5G & Beyond - Part 1: Ranganai Chaparadza, Senior Altran CapGemini Technical & Technology Consultant, Vodafone & Tayeb Ben Meriem, ETSI TC INT AFI WG Chair & Senior Standardization Manager, Orange & Benoit Radier, Orange, Muslim Elkotob, Principal Solutions Architect, Vodafone [ Presentation ]
Reference Model and APIs for Testbeds Federations for 5G & Beyond - Part 2: Ranganai Chaparadza, Senior Altran CapGemini Technical & Technology Consultant, Vodafone, & Tayeb Ben Meriem, ETSI TC INT AFI WG Chair & Senior Standardization Manager, Orange & Benoit Radier, Orange, Muslim Elkotob, Principal Solutions Architect, Vodafone [ Presentation ]
15:55 - 16:10
Coffee Break
16:10 - 16:25
Presentation on Example Federation APIs Case in the ongoing work in Joint Work of ETSI TC INT and ITU-T SG11 Q.API4TB on Open APIs for interoperable testbed federations: Cédric Crettaz, Lead Researcher in ICT, Mandat International [ Presentation ]
16:25 - 17:40
SESSION 2: Technical Presentations on Trends in Testbeds for 5G & Beyond; Use Cases for Testbeds Federation; Emerging Hot Industry Requirements for Testbeds for AI Testing & Certifications and Open Networking Platform(s).
Objectives: The session will focus on Technical Presentations on Trends in Developments of Testbeds for 5G & Beyond; Use Cases for Testbeds Federation; and Emerging Hot Industry Requirements for Testbeds for AI (Artificial Intelligence) Testing & Certifications; Testing of Autonomic/Autonomous Networks (ANs); and need for a Multi-SDO/Fora “Standards Driven” Open Networking Platform(ONP) for Standards Driven Innovation, Multi-SDO/Fora Standards Harmonization, and Validation/Testing of Pre-Deployment Use Cases for 5G in combination with other Emerging Technologies. Apart from enabling Standards-Driven Innovations, the required ONP(s) is meant to help in achieving Industry Harmonization through Integration and Testing of Multi-SDOs/Fora Standards & Architectures. The ONP(s) would also help various Stakeholders in Validation/Testing of Pre-Deployment Technology Scenarios that emulate Telecom Operators and Enterprise Real-World Environments/Contexts and Use Cases that leverage integrated Multi-SDOs/Fora Standards, Network Architectures and the Instantiation of the Testbeds Federation Reference Model being standardized.
Ivan Seskar,
IEEE INGR Testbeds WG Chair and Chief Technologist, WINLAB, Rutgers University
General Trends on Testbeds for 5G & Beyond, and Testbeds Federations Use Cases (Research & Open Source Projects Perspectives): Ivan Seskar,
IEEE INGR Testbeds WG Chair and Chief Technologist, WINLAB, Rutgers University [ Presentation ]
Federated Testbeds and Roadmaps in the case of EC-funded Fed4Fire and other Testbeds R&D Programs Initiatives: Sébastien Ziegler, Founder and Director General, Mandat International [
Abstract ]
Methodologies for E2E Testing & Validation of Vertical Applications over 5G & Beyond networks, an ETSI TC INT Perspective on EC-funded 5GPP Projects Contributions to Standards: Veronica Sanchez Vega, ETSI TC INT Rapporteur, Systems and Technology Driver, Ericsson, Andrea Cattoni, 5G-PPP TMV Chair, Keysight and
Evangelis Kosmatos, 5G-PPP TMV Co-chair, Senior Solution Architect, Wings ICT Solutions [
Abstract I Presentation]
17:40 - 18:00
Open Q&A and Closing Remarks for Day 1
Objectives: This session offers an opportunity to the audience to ask any Questions of relevance and were not addressed in the Q&A minutes associated with each of the Presentations given in this Day-1. It also gives Closing Remarks for Day-1 and extends an invitation to the audience to join us again in Day-2.
Giulio Maggiore, ETSI TC INT Chair, Telecom Italia and Ivan Seskar, IEEE INGR Testbeds WG Chair and Chief Technologist, WINLAB, Rutgers University
Watch recording of Day 1 New
Tuesday, 16 March 2021 (Day 2 )
14:00 - 14:10
Short Briefing of Day 1
14:10 - 14:15
Introduction to the Remainder Part of the Workshop Agenda / Brainstorming Session and Panel
Ranganai Chaparadza, Senior Altran CapGemini Technical & Technology Consultant, Vodafone and Tayeb Ben Meriem, ETSI TC INT AFI WG Chair & Senior Standardization Manager, Orange.
14:15 - 15:35 |
SESSION 2: Technical Presentations on Trends in Testbeds for 5G & Beyond; Use Cases for Testbeds Federation; Emerging Hot Industry Requirements for Testbeds for AI Testing & Certifications and Open Networking Platform(s)
Objectives: The session will focus on Technical Presentations on Trends in Developments of Testbeds for 5G & Beyond; Use Cases for Testbeds Federation; and Emerging Hot Industry Requirements for Testbeds for AI (Artificial Intelligence) Testing & Certifications; Testing of Autonomic/Autonomous Networks (ANs); and need for a Multi-SDO/Fora “Standards Driven” Open Networking Platform(ONP) for Standards Driven Innovation, Multi-SDO/Fora Standards Harmonization, and Validation/Testing of Pre-Deployment Use Cases for 5G in combination with other Emerging Technologies. Apart from enabling Standards-Driven Innovations, the required ONP(s) is meant to help in achieving Industry Harmonization through Integration and Testing of Multi-SDOs/Fora Standards & Architectures. The ONP(s) would also help various Stakeholders in Validation/Testing of Pre-Deployment Technology Scenarios that emulate Telecom Operators and Enterprise Real-World Environments/Contexts and Use Cases that leverage integrated Multi-SDOs/Fora Standards, Network Architectures and the Instantiation of the Testbeds Federation Reference Model being standardized.
Mohammad Patwary, Professor of Telecommunications & Director of Centre for Future Networks & Autonomous Systems (CeFNAS), University of Wolverhampton & IEEE INGR Testbeds WG Chair
General Trends on Testbeds for 5G & Beyond, and Testbeds Federations Use Cases (Industry & Industrial Use Perspectives):
Chih-Lin I, China Mobile [ Presentation ]
General Trends on Testbeds for 5G & Beyond, and Testbeds Federations Use Cases (Industry & Industrial Use Perspectives): Carsten Rossenhövel, Managing Director and Co-Founder of European Advanced Networking Test Center (EANTC AG) [ Presentation ]
Federated Autonomic Management & Control (AMC) by ETSI GANA Knowledge Planes (KPs) for Autonomic/Autonomous 5G Networks, as Example Use Case for Federated Testbeds as required by CSPs (Telecom Operators): Muslim Elkotob,
Principal Solutions Architect, Vodafone [ Presentation ]
Steps Required Towards Building Standards based Testbeds and Frameworks for Certifications of AI Models/Components/Systems: Tayeb Ben Meriem,
ETSI TC INT AFI WG Chair & Senior Standardization Manager, Orange & Andreas Ulrich,
In-house consultant and Technology Adviser, Siemens AG, Research and Technologies [ Presentation ]
Industry Requirement & Proposal for a Multi SDO/Fora “Standards Driven” Open Networking Platform (ONP) Environment for Standards Driven Innovation, Multi-SDO Standards Harmonization, and Validation of Pre-Deployment Tech Use Cases: Ranganai Chaparadza,
Senior Altran CapGemini Technical & Technology Consultant, Vodafone
15:35 - 15:45
| Coffee Break
15:45 - 16:00
Open Q&A
16:00 - 16:15
| Reflections on Support Instruments for Implementing ONPs:
- Support Instruments (Project funding schemes) available for Building Industrial Testbeds that can help Industry (e.g. CSPs, SMEs, Vendors) to Innovate, Test and bring Products to market faster than being experienced today.
- Ways on how SDOs/Fora can jointly submit Project Proposal(s) to Funding Bodies for Addressing Requirements for Building Standards Driven and Commonly shared “Industry-Grade” Testbed Platforms (as Open Networking Platform (ONP) or Platforms) for Innovation and Pre-Deployment Use Cases for 5G & Beyond Technologies
16:15 - 17:15
SESSION 3: Panel Session & Open Discussions on the Roles the various Stakeholders can play in the Desired Ecosystem for Standards based Testbeds Development and Federations to be built by the collaborating SDOs/Fora
All Panelists
- Mohammad Patwary, IEEE INGR Testbeds WG I Andreas Ulrich, Siemens I Chih-Lin I, China Mobile
Sébastien Ziegler, Mandat International I Giulio Maggiore, ETSI TC INT Chair I Denis Andreev, ITU-T SG11
Martin Brand,A1 Telekom Austria I Carsten Rossenhövel, European Advanced Networking Test Center (EANTC)
Cédric Crettaz, Mandat International I Benoit Radier, Orange I Veronica Sanchez, Ericsson
Andrea Cattoni, Keysight I Anwer Al-Dulaimi, EXFO I Evangelis Kosmatos, Wings
Ashutosh Dutta, Ph.D., IEEE Fellow I Eman Hammad, IEEE INGR Security WG I Attilio Zani, Telecom Infra Project (TIP)
Dave Milham, TMForum I Craig Thomas, BroadBand Forum (BBF) I Robin Mersh, BroadBand Forum (BBF)
The following are the list of topics for the discussions:
Potential New Business Models (e.g. Testbed as a Service) for Testbeds Suppliers that derive from the Testbeds Federations Reference Model.
Regulatory Aspects and Security Implications (if any) of relevance to Testbeds Federations.
Challenges that need to be addressed as guided by the Reference Model and APIs for Testbeds Federations for 5G & Beyond being Standardized by collaborating SDOs.
The roles that can be played by Stakeholders (e.g. SDOs/Fora, Research Communities, Researchers on 5G and Beyond, Industry Users of Testbeds, Testbeds Suppliers for 5G Testbeds and other Testbeds, CSPs (Communications Service Providers).
Infrastructure Vendors/Suppliers for ICT and Verticals, Open Source & Open Hardware Projects, Regulators) in the Desired Ecosystem for Standards based Testbeds Federations and APIs Development.
Transformation or Evolution of Existing Testbeds (Industry and Potential Research Testbeds as well) and Federation APIs to meet the Requirements of the Testbeds Federation Model being standardized.
Steps that can be pursued towards Developing and Maintaining the ONP (Open Networking Platform for 5G & Beyond), and the Use of the Testbeds Federations Reference Model and APIs.
Messages to and from Open Source Projects & Open Hardware Projects regarding the role of Industry-applicable Open Source and Open Hardware in the desired Ecosystem for Testbeds Federations for 5G & Beyond.
17:15 - 17:30 | Wrap-up Session
Objectives: This session will summarize the key issues and challenges highlighted during the event. It will also identify actions on how ITU-T, ETSI and IEEE should continue to find ways to collaborate in addressing the challenges through the desired Ecosystem and produce the Standards, while jointly engaging other SDOs/Fora to join the Ecosystem. The Session shall capture the Notes on the Feedback from the various Stakeholders regarding the roles and efforts they can make (moving forward) towards supporting the Standardization and Evolution of the Testbeds Federation Reference Model and its associated APIs. This will include Notes on the efforts the various Stakeholders can also make on the Instantiations of the Reference Model in Building Industry-Grade New Testbeds and/or Transformations of Existing Testbeds. |