ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world


 Colla​borate for positive impact

The ​European Impact Summit (EIS20), now global to all countries, will take place 19-21 October 2020. EIS20 will bring together more than 1000 international C-level executives to create solutions for today's pressing issues in the Europe region and beyond.  

The Summit will be the largest virtual, action-driven event for CEOs focused on ESG (environmental, social governance) solutions supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ​

Transformational solutions are required in response to the most serious global issues Europe and the world are facing today. YPO, as the premier global leadership community of chief executives, will play a leading role in determining where businesses can be a force for good and how our leaders can collaboratively scale to great heights. 
EIS20 will harness the collective power of YPO members from more than 450 chapters globally as well as key expert organizations, government leaders and institutions, including the United Nations and its agencies. Together, these forces will create a world of positive impact around six main global challenges, from climate change to cyber security. The program engages global institutions, subject matter thought-leaders and business leaders to collaborate and create powerful synergistic initiatives to shape and scale impact for People, Planet, Prosperity and Peace.   
YPO EIS20, is thrilled to partner with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and United Nations sister agencies to bring together those who want to make an impact.

Who we are - Young Presidents Organization (YPO​)
YPO, established in 1950, is the premier global leadership organization for more than 30,000 Chief Executives in over 130 countries. It is the global platform for them to engage, learn and grow. YPO members harness the knowledge, influence and trust of the world’s most influential and innovative business leaders to inspire business, personal, family and community impact. Today, YPO member-run companies, diversified among industries and types of businesses, employ more than 22 million people globally and generate USD10 trillion in annual revenues. YPO Europe’s Vision 20 is based on three key pillars; collaboration, engagement and use of technology to implement programs, enhance value of their interest-based platforms and use networks as a key channel to members. 

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Should you be interested to attend the European Impact Su​mmit 2020, please contact Ms Polissena Brandolini d'Adda at or visit the YPO EIS Website​


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