Rodney Cummings
National Instruments
Rodney Cummings is a Principal Software Architect at National Instruments, with a focus on Ethernet technologies for time synchronization and time-sensitive networking. He is co-chair of the Architecture subcommittee in the IEEE 1588 working group, and co-author of the draft standard for IEEE 1588-2008 YANG in the IETF TICTOC working group. He is editor of IEEE P802.1Qcc, draft standard for configuration of time-sensitive networks in the IEEE 802.1 working group. Rodney received his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Austin in 1990. |
John D’Ambrosi Distinguished Engineer, Futurewei
John D’Ambrosia is a Distinguished Engineer at Futurewei, a U.S. subsidiary of Huawei. Currently, he chairs the IEEE P802.3ct 100 Gb/s and 400 Gb/s over DWDM systems Task Force, a member of the IEEE 802 Executive Committee, and chairs the IEEE 802.3 New Ethernet Applications (NEA) Ad Hoc. Previously, he chaired the IEEE 802.3ba Task Force that developed 40GbE/100GbE and the IEEE 802.3bs Task Force that was responsible for 200GbE/400GbE. His previous experience includes Dell, Force10 Networks, and Tyco Electronics. |
Claudio DeSanti Senior Architect, Google Fiber
Claudio DeSanti is a senior architect at Google Fiber since 2017. From 2000 to 2017 he worked in Cisco Systems up to the Fellow level. He contributed to the development and success of many Cisco products, including Cisco’s UCS, Cisco’s Nexus 7K and 5K, Cisco’s MDS, and Cisco’s Catalyst switches. He is the inventor of FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet) and many other Storage Networking technologies. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Engineering at Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento S. Anna, Pisa, Italy, in 2000. He has been Chairman of conferences and standard committees, as well as technical editor of multiple standards. He is author of several patents and recipient of four INCITS technical awards. He is Chairman of the IEEE P802.3cs 'Super-PON' Task Force and editor of ITU-T Recommendation G.9807.3. |
Frank Effenberger Rapporteur ITU-T Q2/15
Dr. Effenberger has worked in the optical access field at Bellcore, Quantum Bridge Communications (Motorola), and Futurewei Technologies, where he is now the leader of the fixed access network group. His team works on forward-looking fiber access systems, with several “world’s first” prototypes and trials. Frank is the rapporteur for ITU-T Q2/15 and chair of IEEE 802.3cp; is a Fellow of the OSA, the IEEE, and Futurewei; and holds over 110 US patents.
János Farkas Chair IEEE TSN TG, Ericsson
János Farkas is a principal researcher in the area of deterministic networking at Ericsson Research. He is the Chair of the IEEE 802.1 Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) Task Group, the Editor of multiple IEEE 802.1 projects, and an active contributor to various IEEE 802.1 standards. He is a Co-Chair of the IETF Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Working Group and co-author of multiple drafts. His recent focus is deterministic packet networking. He has also been working on carrier networks. His former research activities include IP QoS solutions for radio access networks and network traffic management. He has a number of patents and research papers in the area of telecommunications networks. He has Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
Vince Ferretti Senior Standards Manager, Global Technical & Industry Standards
Vince Ferretti, Senior Standards Manager, Global Technical & Industry Standards, is responsible for the development, coordination and communication of Corning’s standards strategy across Corning’s optical fiber, cabling, connectivity and wireless systems and products. Vince joined Corning in 1993 and has extensive experience in sales, marketing, market development, strategy, product management and engineering while working in a diverse and global environment. His roles within Corning Optical Communications (COC) have spanned Corning’s Japan, OEM, carrier and enterprise market segments, the majority spent in FTTH, wireless and LAN applications. Vince currently manages COC’s participation in IEEE 802.3 study groups/task forces as well as International Telecommunication Union – Telecommunication (ITU-T) SG15. He also oversees Corning participation in the Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF), 3GPP and ORAN Alliance. Prior to joining Corning, Vince was an US Naval officer and nuclear engineer serving in the US submarine force. Vince holds a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Loyola University in Maryland and a Masters of Science in Management from Troy State University. |
Norman Finn Chair IEEE P802.1CS and P802.1DC, Huawei
Norman Finn is an industry expert on Layer 2 protocols, Ethernet switching, and Deterministic Networking. He began his standards activities in the ATM Forum, where his work on LAN Emulation and Muilti-Protocol Over ATM earned him an ATM Spotlight Award. He worked for Cisco Systems from 1993 to 2016, retiring as a Cisco Fellow, and now is consulting for Huawei. Norm has been active in IEEE 802 since 1996, where he has served as an editor of eight standards in 802.1 and one in 802.11. Norm has made more than a hundred technical and liaison contributions over the years, starting with the origins of 802.1Q VLANs, and to numerous projects in IEEE 802.3, 802.17, and 802.11, for which he received the IEEE Standards Association Medallion. He now serves on the IEEE 802 / IETF Coordination Committee. Norm has also participated meaningfully in ITU-T (Y.1731), AVnu Alliance, and the IETF, where he instrumental in the creation of the Deterministic Networking Working Group. At present, his focus is on expanding Deterministic Networking into mixed routed and bridged networks. In addition to his standards activity, Norm invented and/or influenced many of the Cisco Catalyst switching concepts and protocols including VLANs, the Port Aggregation Protocol, Cisco Discovery Protocol, Provider Ethernet, and Deterministic Networking. He has been awarded more than 100 patents. His publications include an IEEE Spectrum article and a book chapter. Norm is proud of his B.S. in Astronomy from the California Institute of Technology. He and his wife, Nilene Thompson-Finn, enjoy living in Spring Valley, CA; both have been singing in barbershop quartets and choruses for more than 30 years.
Steven S. Gorshe Microchip
Steven S. Gorshe is an IEEE Fellow. He received his B.S.E.E. in 1979 from the University of Idaho, and M.S.E.E. in 1982 and Ph.D. in 2002 in electronics/computer engineering from Oregon State University. He has worked since 1982 in research and development of telecommunications systems and ICs, and is currently a Senior Technical Staff Engr/Arch at Microchip., where is working on technology for optical transmission and access systems. He is also currently Rapporteur for ITU-T Q11/15, which is responsible for optical transport network standards and Study Group/Task Force Chair for the IEEE 802.3cx project on timestamping accuracy. His standards activity there and in other bodies includes over 400 contributions, and multiple technical editorships. Dr. Gorshe has 43 patents granted/pending, is co-author of 2 textbooks, chapters in 4 other textbooks, and over 29 papers.
Ed Harstead Member of CTO, Nokia Fixed Networks
In the 1990s Ed Harstead led standardization and implementation of first gen TDM PON technologies and managed first gen WDM PON research. Ed spent most of the 2000s in DWDM transport product management. In the current decade he has been supporting the Nokia CTO for fixed networks, with a recent focus on the standardization of high speed PON. |
Marc Holness Product Line Architect, Ciena Marc Holness is a Distinguished Engineer at Ciena, working as a Packet Networking Product Line Architect at Ciena, where he is focused on the requirements and system development of Packet Networking solutions for Mobile Backhaul, Business services, and Cloud applications. Marc has over 20 years of telecommunications industry experience spanning optical and packet networking, system architecture, and engineering design. Marc has incubated new technologies/protocols, driven them into standards, and has guided the development across multiple Carrier Ethernet platforms. He has numerous patents in packet network protection mechanisms, OAM, and Optical network management. Marc is an active participant of standards development organizations (e.g., IEEE, ITU-T, etc.), and has held several editorial roles within IEEE 802, including IEEE 802.1Qcp YANG Data Model for Bridges and Bridged Networks, IEEE 802.1Qcx YANG Data Model for Connectivity Fault Management for Bridges and Bridged Networks, IEEE 802.1Xck YANG Data Model for Port-Based Network Access Control, and IEEE 802.17a/b Bridging for 802.17. Marc received his B.A.Sc. degree in Engineering Physics from the University of Toronto. |
Tom Huber Associate Rapporteur of ITU-T Q11/15
Tom Huber is Associate Rapporteur of ITU-T Q11/15, which is responsible for Signal Structures, Interfaces, and Interworking for Transport Networks. He began working in telecommunications 30 years ago at Tellabs and is currently part of the standards management group for the optical business unit of Nokia. He has been involved in standards for the last 20 years, was Rapporteur of ITU-T Q9/15 from 2013-2018 and is editor of several ITU-T Recommendations, including G.8023, Characteristics of equipment functional blocks supporting Ethernet physical layer and FlexE interfaces. Tom holds a B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Notre Dame and an M.S. in Computer Engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology. |
Curtis Knittle Vice President of Wired Technologies at CableLab
As Vice President of Wired Technologies at CableLabs, Curtis and his team are responsible for specifying scalable deployment solutions in both HFC and all-fiber access networks for CableLabs member companies. Currently, Curtis is also the Chair of the IEEE 802.3ca 50G-EPON Task Force, helping to usher in the first 50Gb/s PON solution. Curtis holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of New Mexico, and an M.S. and B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Colorado State University. |
Hing-Kam (Kam) Lam China Information Communication Technologies Group (CICT), China
Dr. Kam LAM has been active in many standards development organizations, including ITU-T, ONF, TM Forum, ATIS, and IETF. He is the editor and co-editors of many standards specifications in the areas of network management architecture, functions, and information models. He serves as the Rapporteur of ITU-T Study Group 15 Question 14, which is responsible for transport resource management and control standardization. He is also the co-chair of the Open Information Modeling & Tooling (OIMT) group of the ONF.
Kam is a Senior Director at CICT. Previously he had been a CMTS at Nokia、Alcatel-Lucent、Lucent, and Principal Engineer at Bellcore. He has a Ph.D. degree in Statistics and was a tenured faculty member from 1978 – 1986. |
David Law Chairman, IEEE 802.3 Working Group
David Law is a Distinguished Technologist at Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE). David serves as the Chair of the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group, and has participated in the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group since 1989. David's career with HPE, its 3Com acquisition, and its BICC Data Networks acquisition, ranged from the development of Ethernet adapter cards, the first stackable Ethernet repeaters, stackable Ethernet switches, as well as being the technical lead on ASIC development teams for stackable repeaters and switching chipsets. Throughout this career David has been a member of the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group where he has held a number of leadership positions, including Chair of IEEE 802.3 since 2008 and Vice-Chair between 1996 and 2008. David also serves in a number of IEEE-Standards Association (IEEE-SA) governance positions such as the Chair of the IEEE-SA Patent Committee (PatCom) and as a member of the IEEE-SA Standards Board. David has also serves as the primary IEEE representative to the European Multi Stakeholder Platform on Information and communications technology (ICT) Standardisation. David has received the IEEE-SA Standards Medallion, the IEEE-SA Standards Board Distinguished Service Award, the IEEE-SA International Award, the IEEE Computer Society Karlsson Award and the IEEE Charles Proteus Steinmetz Award. David earned his BEng (Hons) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland.
David Lewis Technologist, Lumentum Operations
David Lewis is a Technologist with Lumentum Operations and is a regular contributor to 802.3 and SG15 meetings. He was chair of the P802.3cc task force on 25 Gb/s SMF PMDs and is currently optical clause editor for the P802.3cu task force on 100 Gb/s and 400 Gb/s SMF PMDs at 100 Gb/s per wavelength. |
Scott Mansfield Ericsson
Scott Mansfield is a Standard Researcher at Ericsson focusing on wireline network standardization. Scott is Vice-Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 13 and the Chairman of the Joint Coordination Activity on IMT-2020 (JCA-ITM2020). Also in the ITU-T, Scott is the Associate Rapporteur of Question 14 in Study Group 15 and the editor of the protocol neutral network management modeling recommendations for Ethernet, MPLS-TP, and OTN. Scott is active in IETF serving as the IETF - ITU-T liaison coordinator. Scott is the co-chair of the Internet Society Advisory Council, providing leadership to bridge the gap between technology and public policy related groups. Scott is the editor of the YANG model for Link Layer Discovery in IEEE 802.1. Scott is a MEF Distinguished Fellow, serves on the MEF Board of the Directors, and is the founding board representative of the MEF's industry-wide coordination and collaboration activity called UNITE.
David Ofelt Distinguished Engineer II, Juniper Networks
Dr. David Ofelt is a Distinguished Engineer II in the Juniper Networks silicon team. For the past 20+ years, he has helped define and build the systems and ASICs for many of Juniper’s core, edge, and datacenter products. He is actively involved in IEEE 802.3 and is the PLL vice-chair of protocol in OIF. Dave has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University and did his undergraduate work at the University of Minnesota. |
Glenn Parsons
Ericsson Canada
Glenn Parsons is an internationally known expert in mobile backhaul/fronthaul and Ethernet technology. He is a standards advisor with Ericsson Canada, where he coordinates standards strategy and policy for Ericsson, including network architecture for 5G radio transport networks. Previously, he has held positions in development, product management and standards architecture in the ICT industry. Over the past number of years, he has held several management and editor positions in various standards activities including IETF, IEEE, and ITU-T. He is currently involved with 5G transport standardization in MEF, IEEE and ITU-T and is the working group chair of IEEE 802.1 as well as a vice-chair of ITU-T SG15. He is a Technical Editor for IEEE Communications Magazine and Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Communications Standards Magazine. He graduated in 1992 with a B.Eng. degree in electrical engineering from Memorial University of Newfoundland. |
Peter L. Pondillo Senior Manager, Standards & Policy Peter L. Pondillo, Senior Manager, Standards & Policy, is responsible for Corning’s Global Technology & Industry Standard (GTIS) management & operations as well as the development, coordination and communication of Corning’s standards strategy across Corning’s optical fiber, cabling and consumer products. Peter has been a project leader of numerous technical documents in IEC SC86A WG1 (Fibres and associated measuring methods) and SC86C WG1(Fibre optic communications systems and sub-systems) as well as ITU-T Study Group 15 WP2 Q5 (Characteristics and test methods of optical fibres and cables). Peter currently holds many leadership positions in standards: Convener of IEC SC 86A WG1 Liaison officer for ITU-T SG15 and IEC SC86C international standard organizations United States Deputy Technical Advisor for IEC SC86A USNC Council member
Bill Powell Technology Strategist, Nokia Fixed Networks CTO group
Bill Powell is in the Nokia Fixed Networks CTO group where he focuses on various Ethernet access and cable standardization areas. He is a member of the IEEE Task Force standardizing 802.3ca 25G/2x25G NG PON and other 802.3 Ethernet access Task Forces. Bill is also active in various CableLabs standardization activities including DOCSIS synchronization, Flexible MAC Architecture, Full Duplex DOCSIS, and DOCSIS 4.0. |
Stefano Ruffini
Graduated in Telecommunication Engineering from the University of Rome " La Sapienza" (Italy). Joined Ericsson in 1993 working on synchronization aspects for more than 25 years. Has represented Ericsson in various standardization organizations, currently serving as Rapporteur of ITU-T Q13/15 and IEEE1588 Liaison Rapporteur. He is one of the Ericsson experts working on 5G transport and sync aspects. Associate Technical Editor of the IEEE Communications Magazine. Has published several international journal papers and is co-author of a book dealing with IEEE1588 and Synchronous Ethernet.
Stefano is Chairman of the ITSF (International Timing and Sync Forum) and member of the WSTS Executive committee (Workshop on Synchronization and Timing Systems).
Peter Stassar Huawei, ITU-T Q6/16 Rapporteur and WP2 Vice-Chairman
Peter Stassar has 40 years working expertise on optical transmission technologies. Since 1989 he has been heavily engaged in ITU-T SG15 Q6 “Characteristics of optical systems for terrestrial transport networks” of which he is Rapporteur since 2006. Since 2011 he is participating in IEEE 802.3’s activities on high speed client side optical interface specifications, for 25GE – 400GE applications, and is/has been editor for SMF Clauses in P802.3bs P802.3cd, P802.3cn and P802.3ct projects. Since 2011 he is employed by Huawei Technologies. |
Stephen J. Trowbridge Chairman, ITU-T SG15
Dr Stephen J. Trowbridge is Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 15, Networks, Technologies and Infrastructures for Transport, Access and Home. He is a Consulting Director of Standardization at Nokia. He received his B.S. (EE&CS), M.S. (CS), and Ph.D. (CS) from the University of Colorado, Boulder. He joined Bell Laboratories–AT&T (now Nokia) in 1977. He has been active in optical networking standardization since 1995. He was a member of the IEEE P802.3ba 100 Gb/s Ethernet and IEEE P802.3bs 200 Gb/s and 400 Gb/s Ethernet editorial teams. He is editor of the Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) Flex Ethernet implementation agreement. He was named a Bell Labs Fellow in 2014.
Balázs Varga Expert in Multiservice Networking at Ericsson Research
He is currently working on 5G-related technologies to integrate mobile, IP/MPLS, Ethernet and industrial networks. He is active in related standardizations: IETF (DetNet), IEEE (TSN), and 3GPP (RAN2, SA2). Before joining Ericsson in 2010, he has spent 15 years with Telekom. He directed and coordinated activities of the R&D group in Hungary responsible to the enhancement of broadband service portfolio (e.g. IP VPN, L2 VPN, 3play, IPv6) and introduction of new broadband technologies (e.g. Ethernet, xDSL, GPON). He holds a Ph.D. and M.Sc. in electrical engineering from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
Ed Walter Lead Solution Architect, AT&T, USA
Ed Walter joined AT&T in 2000 and currently is a Lead Solution Architect within the AT&T Converged Architecture organization. Ed has been engaged in Access ideation and development since 2006 when he joined the AT&T Lightspeed project to deploy Broadband/IPTV. He is a prolific inventor with 99 Patents currently issued.