ITU's 160 anniversary

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Third ITU-T Study Group 11 Regional Workshop for Africa on "Counterfeit ICT Devices, Conformance and Interoperability Testing Challenges in Africa”   
Tunis, Tunisia 30 September 2019


Monday, 30 September 2019

08:30 - 09:00Registration
09:00 - 09:15Opening Ceremony

Workshop convener: Isaac Boateng, Deputy Director, NCA, Ghana [ Biography ] & Karim Loukil, CERTLabs Manager, Director [ Biography ]
09:15 - 10:15Session 1: Conformance and Interoperability
This session will focus on the experience of the African region on conformance and interoperability testing of ICT equipment in compliance with international standards. It will also highlight the current status of ITU Conformance and Interoperability programme (C&I) and potential interest of the Region on the implementation of the new Testing Laboratories recognition procedure and joint certification schemes developed by ITU and IEC. In addition, this session aims to explore whether C&I approach can be one of the possible technical solutions to combat counterfeit ICT devices.

Moderator: Isaac Boateng, Deputy Director, NCA, Ghana [ Biography ]
10:15 - 10:45​​Group Photo and Coffee Break
10:45 - 12:00Session 2:  Combatting Counterfeiting
Following the approval of the new Recommendation ITU-T Q.5050 “Framework for solution to combat counterfeit ICT devices” in March 2019, ITU-T SG11 continues to develop standards on this matter. Recently in SG11 meeting two new work items were created namely: Reliability of IMEI identifier and Impact of Counterfeit Mobile devices on Quality of Service. Other technical reports are being developed by the experts of SG11. One of the technical reports agreed by SG11 recognized that counterfeit and substandard ICT devices are among the key challenges faced by developing countries, particularly the African region.
This session will be a platform to exchange views on the current situation and existing problems of counterfeit ICT devices in the Region and potential solutions to overcome these challenges.

Moderator: Najla Triki, Director, Marketing and Cooperation, CERT [ Biography
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch Break
13:30 - 14:15Session 2:  Combatting Counterfeiting Continuation
14:15 - 14:45Open Discussion
14:45 - 15:00Coffee Break
15:00 - 15:20Wrap-Up Session
Discussion of key issues on combating counterfeiting and C&I in African Region and subjects of future contributions addressed to SG11RG-AFR.
15:20 - 15:30​Closing Remarks
15:30 - 15:45 Opening of the SG11RG-AFR Meeting
Note: The regional group meeting will be restricted to delegates and representatives from Member States, Sector Members and Associates of ITU-T Study Group 11 in the African region, in conformity with clause 2.3.3 of WTSA Resolution 1 (Rev. Hammamet, 2016).