ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ITU Workshop on Fintech Security
Geneva, Switzerland, 26 August 2019


Monday, 26 August 2019

​08:30 - 09:30​Registration
​09:30 - 09:45Opening Remarks
​09:45 - 11:15​​Session 1: Security aspects for Fintech services and applications
This session will introduce various payment systems for Fintech services and to discuss security threats and risks of Fintech services and applications, and discuss how such risks can be mitigated.

Session Chair:
Jae Hoon Nah, WP4/17 Co-chair & Q7/17 Rapporteur​ [ Biography ]
​11:15 - 11:30​Coffee Break
​11:30 - 13:00​​Session 2: Identity management and authentication for anti-money-laundering and fraud/counterfeiting.
This session will address methods of identity management and authentication for implementing Fintech services, focusing on issues such as anti-money laundering and fraud/counterfeiting in delivering Fintech services.

Session Chair: Hiroshi Takechi
, Q10/17 Associate Rapporteur
​​13:00 - 14:00​Lunch Break
​14:00 - 15:30​Session 3: ​Privacy and policy aspects for Fintech services and applications.
This session will identify privacy threats and risks in Fintech services, share policy initiatives (e.g., from EU, UK, etc), and discuss on best practices on how such privacy risks can be mitigated. Impact of GDPR on Fintech services will also be addressed.

Session Chair:
Yutaka Miyake, SG17 Vice-Chairman [ B​iography ]
​15:30 - 15:45​Coffee Break
​​15:45 - 17:15Session 4: Panel discussion – Future directions for Fintech security standardization activity
This session will identify future directions that ITU-T SG17 needs to study for standardization activities on Fintech security, i.e., to identify standard gaps on controls to address identified threats and mitigate such risks, to suggest potential ways forward to develop technical Recommendations to fill those gaps, and to identify stakeholders with whom SG17 will collaborate in the future.

Session Chair:
Zhaoji Lin, SG17 Vice-Chairman [ Biography ]
​17:15 - 17:30Closing Session
This session will review session summaries and wrap-up the workshop.

Session Chair:  Heung Youl Youm,
Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 17, Security ​ [ Biography ​]

 To be confirmed : *