Gyu Myoung Lee Chair, ITUT FG-DPM, Senior Lecturer, Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU)
Gyu Myoung Lee received his BS degree from Hong Ik University, Seoul, Korea, in 1999 and his MS and PhD degrees from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea, in 2000 and 2007. He is with the Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), UK, as a Senior Lecturer from 2014 and with KAIST Institute for IT convergence, Korea, as an adjunct professor from 2012. Prior to joining the LJMU, he has worked with the Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis, France, from 2008. Until 2012, he had been invited to work with the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Korea. He also worked as a research professor in KAIST, Korea and as a guest researcher in National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA, in 2007. His research interests include Internet of things, future networks, multimedia services, and energy saving technologies including smart grids. He has been actively working for standardization in ITU-T, IETF and oneM2M, etc., and currently serves as a WP chair in SG13, a Rapporteur of Q16/13 and Q4/20 as well as an Editor in ITU-T. He is a Senior Member of IEEE.
Wonsuk Lee
Senior Research Staff, ETRI
Dr. Wonsuk Lee is a senior research staff in ETRI which is government sponsored research institute of South Korea. He is part of service standard research lab of protocol engineering center in the organization from 2015. Prior to joining the ETRI, he was worked for web development group of mobile communication division in Samsung Electronics from 2011.His research interests include Internet of things, connected car, blockchain and web platform. Dr. Wonsuk Lee has been actively working for standardization in W3C, ITU-T, ISO and OCF, etc. In W3C he made an ontology and API specifications related to media annotation on the Web as an editor and he had a chair role for system applications WG during two and half years. He had made international standards in ITU-T SG13 and ISO IEC/JTC1. Currently he is the chair of automotive and web platform business group in W3C and the editor of automotive WG in W3C. In addition he is Korean Delegation for ISO/TC 307, which is the group in charge of the standard for blockchain and DLT.
Kyeong Hee Oh CEO, TCA services
Kyeong Hee Oh, CEO of TCA services, Outside director of Korea Internet & Security Agency She is an information security professional with a 20+ years’ experience. She had participated the establishment of the evaluation criteria for information security product, of the national PKI, of ISMS certification scheme in Korea and developed the first draft of Privacy Information Management Systems in Korea. She has involved with the International standardization from 2010, she is now Co-rapporteur of ITU-T SG 17 Q14 Security aspects of distributed ledger technologies, liaison officer to TC 307 and FG-DLT, Korean delegation of ISO TC 307 Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies, and Head of Korean delegation of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 WG 1 Information Security Management. |