ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

1st ITU Workshop on Data Processing and Management for IoT and Smart Cities & Communities

Brussels, Belgium, 19 February 2018


The International Telecommunication Union organized the 1st ITU Workshop on Data Processing and Management for IoT and Smart Cities & Communities, which
was kindly co-hosted by the European Commission (Brussels, Belgium) and Open & Agile Smart Cities (OASC) and took place at the European Commission
(Avenue de Beaulieu 25, 1160 Auderghem, Brussels, Belgium) on 19 February 2018.
This workshop took place back to back with the third meeting of the
ITU-T Focus Group on Data Processing and Management to support IoT and Smart Cities & Communities (FG-DPM), at Open & Agile Smart Cities (OASC) (Pleinlaan 9, 1050 Brussels, Belgium) from 20 to 23 February 2018 in Brussels, Belgium.
The one-day workshop provided an overview of the state-of-the-art as well as convergence within data processing and management to support IoT and Smart Cities & Communities, bringing global contributors together. Topics included understanding requirements, cities as customers, emerging minimal interoperability mechanisms, architectures and data models, and market creation.

Target Audience
ITU members and non-members were invited. Participation was free of charge.