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ITU-T SG12 work on Intelligent Transport System (ITS): Quality of Service of Speech and Audio in Vehicles

​​​​​​​​​Focusing on quality of service of speech and audio in vehicles, ITU-T Study Group 12 (SG12) develops international standards and guidance to enhance road safety and user experience. ​
ITU-T SG12 Homepage

SG12 activities related to ITS​​ 
Hands-free communication in vehicles​ hands free call-SG12 mainpage and group.jpeg
Hands-free communication in vehicles allows drivers to make calls and use communication features without the need of physically holding their phones. This is enabled by using built-in systems or after-market kits. This helps drivers stay connected while on the move, thereby promoting safer driving. ITU-T Study Group 12 (SG12) focuses on enhancing the quality of hands-free communication in vehicles by developing standards and guidance for terminal design, performance requirements, test methods, etc. 

Automatic speech recognition
Automatic speech recognition (ASR) is used increasingly in vehicles to enable seamless communication and execution of commands for various applications. By allowing drivers to interact with their vehicles using speech commands, ASR systems can minimize distractions for drivers and help them maintain focus on the core driving tasks. ITU-T SG12 develops guidance and international standards on design, measurement procedures, and performance requirements for ASR systems in vehicles. ITU-T SG12 aims to promote interoperability, enhance user experience, and improve overall safety in vehicles equipped with this technology.​ecall-sg12 group.jpeg

Speech communication for vehicle emergency calls
ITU-T SG12 aims to provide a high-quality speech communication experience for emergency calls in vehicles, ensuring that emergency calls are intelligible, effective, and contribute to improved road safety. ITU-T SG12 looks into use-cases, requirements, and associated test methods for speech communication for supporting emergency call communications in vehicles, covering both built-in emergency call systems (manufacturer-installed) and after-market emergency call kits.​​
All ongoing SG12 work items 

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