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ITU-T SG2 role in addressing the vehicle naming, numbering, addressing and identification issues

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The work of SG2 covers all aspects of numbering, naming, addressing, and identification (NNAI) related to ITS, focusing on the efficient use and management of E.164​ and E.212 resources. This includes the allocation and reservation of numbering resources, as well as the development and maintenance of related guidelines, databases, and operational procedures. ​​By ensuring the proper use and management of these resources, SG2 helps facilitate seamless and efficient communication according to national regulatory environments, which supports Intelligent Transport Systems to provide better traffic management, improved safety, and enhanced overall transportation experiences for users.​​​​​
ITU-T SG2 Homepage

ecall mainpage and inside sg2 page.jpg SG2 activities related to ITS​​ 
Numbering for in-car Emergency Communication calls​ 
ITU-T SG​2 is responsible for assigning international numbering ranges for machine-to-machine (M2M) communications for data connectivity. In the context of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), ITU-T SG2 specifically assigns international numbering ranges for in-car emergency communication (ICEC) calls such as eCall. This ensures that emergency services can be able to call back the phone numbers used for vehicle emergency calls. ​The service, commonly named a​s eCall, is a pan-European system for automatic vehicle emergency calls designed to enhance road safety and reduce response times for emergency services in the event of an accident. As an M2M service, eCall operates under codes +882 and +883, numbering ranges directly assigned by ITU SG2. ​

Figure illustrating the routing of the calls to and from a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP). Scenario:

The figure illustrates the routing of the calls to and from a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP).​​​

When a vehicle calls eCall 112, this call is routed to emergency services regardless of the vehicle’s mobile number, but a +882/+883 number is used as a calling party number (Calling Line Identity) for emergency services to call back if the initial call drops.

​For these emergency services to call back when the call drops, national telecoms networks must be able to route the +882 and +883 numbers that are being used as calling party numbers – generally in 15-digit formats – when an M2M device makes an emergency call automatically.​​


​Use of E.212 for ITS​
E.212 resources, also known as IMSIs, are used for Intelligent Transport System as they provide a means of identifying vehicles and they are currently used today by a number of assignees of resources under the purview of SG2 in environments such as:

Relevant SG2 deliverables:

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