ITU and Continua Health Alliance will organize an interoperability event on e-health devices, applications, services and technology platforms following the draft Recommendation ITU-T H.IDGPHS "Interoperability design guidelines for personal health systems" currently discussed at Q28/16, which is the transposition of Continua Health Alliance Guidelines as an ITU-T Recommendation. This event will take place at the ITU headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, from 28 to 31 October 2013.
This Interop event will promote e-health interoperability and raise awareness of the importance of open, global, common and interoperable standards, as stated at the joint ITU-WHO workshop on e-health standards and interoperability, April 2012.
An open product showcase, followed by a closed interoperability testing session, will demonstrate state-of-the-art e-health solutions to a high-powered audience.
Interoperability Testing
- The closed interoperability testing event will take place from 30 to 31 October 2013. Participation will be restricted to engineers from organizations developing e-health solutions. Access to the venue will be limited. All testing will be confidential, and products and equipment will be secured. The latest Design guidelines are accessible for free at Continua Health Alliance website here. Both ITU and Continua Health Alliance membership are invited to participate.
Product Showcase
- A product showcase, that is open to public, will take place on 28 - 29 October 2013. This will be a demonstration of the emerging products of manufacturers participating in the testing event. The showcasing aims to underscore and disseminate information on advanced e-health technologies and ongoing standardization work in ITU-T. There will also be two-hour training sessions on e-health each evening.
Continua Health Alliance is the international industry organization dedicated to advancing personal connected health by promoting end-to-end, plug-and-play connectivity of personal health devices and establishing industry standards for interoperability.