ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

3rd joint APT and ITU C&I event


The 3rd joint APT/ITU C&I event will provide updates, foster understanding and promote C&I related activities in the APT region. The event will also contribute to capacity building on C&I issues.



The event will consist of the following three parts scheduled as follows:
    1. Interoperability testing (7 September 2015)
    2. Showcasing (7 September 2015– 9 September 2015)
    3. Workshop (8 September 2015)

The testing part of the event will include an interoperability testing of products which are based on the ITU-T Recommendations. Manufacturers and service providers are encouraged to bring their products and participate to check interoperability. The results of the interoperability testing can be shared among the participants upon agreement, such as nondisclosure agreements (NDAs). It could cover technologies and services such as:

      • IPTV (including IPTV-MAFR (Multimedia Application Framework)

The showcasing part will be a demonstration of the emerging products provided by participating manufacturers and research institutes. This part aims to underscore advanced technologies and ongoing standardization work at ITU-T. It could cover technologies and services such as:

      • IMS/NGN interworking
      • Future Transport Network
      • M2M/IoT/e-Health
      • FTTH (GPON and GEPON)
      • IPTV/internet TV
      • NGN E2E service
      • SDN/NFV
      • Transition from existing network to NGN/Future Networks

The  workshop part of the event will include lectures and presentations on C&I related activities as well as future perspectives from experts (ITU, regional standards development organizations (SDOs), government, private sector, etc.), sharing knowledge and experience and discussions among participants in order to find possible solutions to interoperability issues based on the ITU C&I approach. This discussion will benefit from the simultaneous testing and showcasing events where several examples might be provided.


Anonymized testing results will be reported to the workshop and fed into ITU-T Study Groups.