In its current implementation, the ITU Product Conformity Database is an informative, voluntary listing of products that conform to ITU-T Recommendations, based on conformance tests or certifications carried out by third parties.
For detailed testing results and/or certifications relevant to a particular product, please contact the product’s vendor to request this information
The current implementation of the ITU Product Conformity Database only represents information that has been communicated to ITU. The ITU secretariat has performed the necessary verification of the submitting entities’ credentials, but has not participated in any aspect of the accreditation of the submitting entities or the testing or certification of the listed products. The database is for information purposes only, to be used at the user’s own discretion. ITU shall not be held liable or bear any responsibility with regard to the content of the database and its use. ITU also reserves the right to reject or remove any submission it deems to be false or invalid.
Entry to the ITU Product Conformity Database
Information on entries to the database can be submitted by testing laboratories, conformity assessment bodies (CABs), vendors and others, including non-members of ITU, provided that the product is either:
- tested by a testing laboratory which has an accreditation with ISO/IEC 17025 and at least one ITU-T Recommendation;
- certified to be in conformance with at least one ITU-T Recommendation by a CAB with ISO/IEC 17065 accreditation;
- tested by testing laboratory recognized by ITU (accredited by ILAC MRA signatories AB (Accreditation Body); test laboratory has ITU-T Recommendations in its scope of accreditation), see ITU-T Guideline.
Product is to be tested to applicable ITU-T Recommendations using ITU-T test specifications or procedures adopted by an SDO or forum qualified in accordance with Recommendation ITU-T A.5 (see the
reference table).
At this early stage of the database’s implementation, the entry of products is possible through two other channels: the ITU secretariat can enter products into the database if these products were tested in an ITU test event or as part of an ITU conformity testing pilot project.
Application form
To populate the database with products meeting the above criteria, please do so using the online
application form. The ITU secretariat will verify your company’s credentials and contact you officially to request detailed supporting information (e.g. testing report, certificates, etc.). This supporting information will not be made publically available. The ITU secretariat reserves the right to reject or remove submissions that do not meet the above criteria.