ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Frequency plans

Frequency Plan procedures

The frequency planning is one of the most important elements of the international regulations   and a mean of preserving the rights of all Member States in the context of equitable access to the limited frequency resource. In this respect FMD maintains worldwide allotment and regional assignment plans of terrestrial nonbroadcasting services, ensuring the application of modification and coordination procedures associated to the Plan.


Worldwide frequency allotment plans

Frequency allotment plan for the maritime mobile service
Appendix 25 to RRPlanning area: Worldwide
Maritime mobile (Coast radiotelephone stations) ​​Planned bands: exclusive maritime between 4 000 kHz and  27 500 kHz
​ Modifications to the Plan: Appendix 25 Special Sections (published in BR IFIC)


Frequency allotment plan for the plan for aeronautical mobile (OR) service
​Appendix 26 to RRPlanning area: Worldwide
Aeronautical mobile (OR)​​Planned bands: exclusive aeronautical mobile (OR) between 3 025 kHz and 18 030 kHz


Frequency allotment plan for the plan for aeronautical mobile (R) service
Appendix 27 to RRPlanning area: Worldwide
Aeronautical mobile (R)Planned bands: exclusive aeronautical mobile (R) between 2 850 kHz and 22 000 kHz

Regional frequency assignment plans

Frequency assignment plan for the maritime mobile service in the MF bands in Region 1
​GE85-R1-MARPlanning area: Region 1
​Maritime mobilePlanned bands: 415 - 495 kHz; 505 - 526.5 kHz; 1 606.5 - 1 625 kHz;
1 635 - 1 800 kHz and 2 045 - 2 160 kHz
Modifications to the Plan: GE85M Special Sections (published in BR IFIC)


Frequency assignment plan for the aeronautical radionavigation service in the MF bands in Region 1
GE85-R1-AERPlanning area: Region 1
Aeronautical RadionavigationPlanned bands: 415 - 435 kHz and
505 - 526.5 kHz
​ ​Modifications to the Plan: GE85M Special Sections (published in BR IFIC)


Frequency assignment plan for the maritime radionavigation service (radiobeacons) for the European Maritime Area in the band 283.5 - 315 kHz
GE85-EMAPlanning area: European Maritime Area (RR5.15)
Maritime RadionavigationPlanned bands: 283.5 - 315 kHz

Regional frequency allotment plans

Frequency allotment plan for national channels in the Digital Selective Calling (DSC) system
Resolution 5 of GE85-MM-R1Planning area: Region 1
​Maritime mobile (DSC)Planned bands: 435 - 526.5 kHz and
1 606.5 - 2 160 kHz