Central America and Caribbean: Questionnaire on the use of the VHF and UHF bands
Following the discussions held in the ITU Regional Frequency Coordination Meeting from 8 to 10 March 2017 in Managua, Nicaragua, the Radiocommunication Bureau (BR) has prepared a questionnaire to collect the information on the
current and future envisaged use of the VHF (174-216 MHz) and UHF (470-806 MHz) bands.
Administrations are asked to fill out the questionnaire via a designated focal point only by
following the steps below:
Provide the name of the designated focal point of your administration sending an email to brbcd@itu.int.
- Once we have received the name of the focal point we will
grant him/her access.
- The focal point will be able to fill in the questionnaire using his/her TIES username/password. An
open access version of the questionnaire is also available (for information only).
Deadline: The questionnaire must be submitted by 15 December 2017.