Session 2 - Case Studies and Experiments/Trials
Possible issues: i) Creation and responsibility/maintenance of spectrum/geo-location database for use by WS Devices, ii) WS network authorization/licensing regime, iii) Protection of incumbent radiocommunication services, iv) coordination in border areas, v) economic aspects/business cases, etc.
Mr. Dmitry Tur (Russian Federation), “Studies on CRS in the Russian Federation”
Abstract: This presentation will describe the Russian Federation Administration interest in the introduction of cognitive radio principle, what has been done in relation to technical research, the interim findings and the national features of the spectrum regulation in the Russian Federation.
Mr. Arno Hart (TENET, Google partner in Cape Town), “Cape Town TV White Spaces Trial”
Abstract: This presentation is an overview of the Cape Town TV White Spaces Trial. It provides an overview of the Trial network and the Trial’s accomplishments, with a specific focus on the policy related implications of the results. The presentation describes the technical aspects of equipment, the lab tests conducted on the equipment, the process for developing the database and the techniques used to field check the database results.
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Dr. Feng Zhiyong (China, Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications), “Cognitive Cellular Systems in China: Challenges, Solutions and Testbed”
Abstract: This talk will give an overview on the challenges, solutions and testbed of cognitive cellular systems in China.
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Mr. Allen Yang (USA, FCC), “Overview of FCC’s New Rules for TV White Space Devices and database updates”
Abstract: This presentation will describe the development of the Television Band Devices rules in the United States and the development of the database and its continual updates.
Mr. Jim Beveridge (Microsoft Corporation), “Dynamic Spectrum Access (Linking Africa and Scotland)”
Abstract: For over 3.9 billion people, around 61% of the world’s population, the cost of fixed broadband is more than 5% of their income and so deemed unaffordable. Basic mobile broadband is unaffordable for over 2.6 billion of the world’s population. (The Economic Significance of Licence-Exempt Spectrum to the Future of the Internet, 2012) Africa is a case in point where the growth and innovation are being hampered by lack of basic connectivity. With a view to improving this situation, Microsoft, along with other members of the
Dynamic Spectrum Alliance, is investing in piloting TV White Spaces trials in rural Africa. This talk will feature information concerning the ongoing TVWS trials in Africa, outlining the challenges and opportunities involved in building and deploying rural networks. It will contrast the work in Africa with the urban deployment scenarios integral to Ofcom’s Glasgow TVWS pilot. Experience gained through TVWS deployments around the globe, including a discussion of regulatory and spectrum allocation issues, will be shared with the audience.
Mr. Mohamed A. Haji (Kenya, CCK), “Licensing of TV White Space Networks in Kenya”
Abstract: This presentation gives an overview of the current status of TVWS trials in Kenya. The trials are in Rural Kenya set-ups at 3 locations. The trials are in the 470 MHz to 694 MHz band and on non-protected, non-interference and non-exclusive basis.
The presentation outlines conditions of the trial licenses and proposes a regulatory way forward pending ITU-R studies on TVWS.
Questions and Answers (15 min) - [