757 (WRC-12) on “Regulatory aspects for nanosatellites and picosatellites”, requests the ITU-R to examine the procedures for notifying space networks and consider possible modifications to enable the deployment and operation of nanosatellites and picosatellites, taking into account the short development time, short mission time and unique orbital characteristics. The same resolution instructs the Director of the Bureau to report to WRC-15 on the results of these studies.
In this regard, the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau, in kind cooperation with the ITU-R Academia member Czech Technical University,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering (CVUT FEL), is pleased to announce a three-day Symposium and workshop on “Small satellite regulation and communication systems” in Prague, Czech Republic, on 2-4 March 2015.
The Prague Symposium and workshop will provide a unique opportunity to meet and share views with the world´s leading experts from administrations, ITU-R sector members, academia, research institutes, satellite operators, industry and launchers who will provide the latest information on their plans, experience and case studies for the development of small satellite networks and distributed earth station networks.
The Symposium participants will learn also about the recent development of ITU-R
WP7B studies - Question
SG07.254 related to characteristics and spectrum requirements of satellite systems using nano and pico satellites. In addition, the Symposium will permit informal discussions on the need, if any, to modify the regulatory procedures for notifying satellite networks in order to facilitate the deployment and operation of nanosatellites and picosatellites.
On the last day, a specific workshop will be organized to familiarize participants with searching and querying the ITU Space Master International Register (MIFR), Space Networks List (SNL) on-line and Space Networks System (SNS) on-line, use of ITU software for submission and validation of small satellite network filings to ITU, submission of comments on ITU publications published on the BR International Frequency Information Circular (Space Services) (BR IFIC) and rights and obligations in a case of harmful interference to satellite networks recorded in the MIFR.
All participants will be provided with a USB-memory stick with non-GSO satellite related regulatory documents, filing samples and typical small satellite API and Notification publications and all workshop participants will receive a copy of the last BR IFIC (Space services) DVD-ROM with the most updated Space MIFR and BR software required for satellite data capture and validation.
Poster Sessions
Participants of the ITU Symposium and Workshop on small satellite regulation and communication systems are most welcome to present their posters -
during one dedicated poster sessionson Monday 2 March 2015 – see Programme for details.
Poster authors are expected to be present at that time, next to their posters, to be available to answer questions and have discussions with Symposium participants.
The Prague Symposium and workshop will be an open event where participation of national administrations, ITU-R sector members, associates and particularly ITU Academia members, the satellite communications industry and launchers and small satellite user community is strongly encouraged. Although there is no participation fee for this meeting, please note that all expenses concerning travel, accommodation and insurance of participants should be covered by your Administration/Organization/Company.