ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Space Services Department


Satellite Interference Reporting and Resolution System​

- Official Use since 1st September 2018 -

This online application has been developed by the Radiocommunication Bureau in response to Resolution 186 of ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2014 with the aim to facilitate Administrations and space stakeholders to report a case of harmful interference affecting space services, to request assistance from the BR, to be informed in case a radio station under your jurisdiction is causing harmful interference to space services of other Administrations, and to exchange all necessary information among the concened parties involved in the case. 

In order to be able to use the system, a user account must be open as indicated below:


Nomination of Administration and Intergovernmental Satellite Organization ​Managers. Assignment of users.

The Administrations must nominate to the Bureau an Administration Manager role before accessing the system. The assigned manager will then add other users as administration or operator roles for their Administration.

SIRRS has 6 categories of user roles:

(1) Administration Manager 

(2) Administration User

(3) Operator Manager

(4) Operator User

(5) Intergovernmental Satellite Organization Manager 

(6) Intergovernmental Satellite Organization User 

 (see Circular Letter ITU-R CR. 428  for more details on roles. Intergovernmental Satellite Organization Manager  and User roles have same treatment than Administration Manager and User respectively).


Note that the Bureau will be the only responsible for registering accounts for the Administration  and Intergovernmental Satellite Organization Manager roles.

In this regard, administrations are invited to communicate to the Bureau by fax: +41 22 730 5785  the initial list of one or more person (or entity) assigned for the Administration Manager role, indicating the person's name, title, email address, telephone number and TIES user name.

Users interested to access the system as Operators should contact the focal point in their respectiv Administration.

For security reasons, access to SIRRS platform is restricted to registered TIES users only.


3 Easy Steps to Start 

3 Easy Steps to Start ​