ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

WRS 18 - Space workshops

​​​​​​​​​​​The main objective of the Space workshops is to allow WRS-18 participants to become familiar with the coordination and notification procedures for space systems and earth stations with particular attention on data capture, validation, technical and regulatory examination and publication of notices submitted by administrations fo​r inclusion in the formal coordination procedures for recording in the Master International Frequency Register (​MIFR)​​​.

Special Notes:

Software Installation workshop is available on Monday 3.12.2018 and Tuesday 4.12.2018 from 1700-1800 hrs in room POPOV.

Any delegate who requires assistance for any specific issue relating to space services may contact a BR staff who will be available in room D on Thursday 6.12.2018 and Friday 7.12.2018.

​​Indicativ​e Timeline

​Wednesday - 5 December 2018  (ITU - R​oom POPOV)

​9:00 - 10:30

​Opening of Space Workshop

Familiarization with SpaceCap

API for satellite networks not subject to coordination

Exercise: Capture/Validation of API (zip file)

e-Submission of satellite network filings

​10:30 - 11:00​Break
​11:00 - 12:30

Harmful interference to Space services

Coordination requests for satellite networks I

Coordination requests for satellite networks II​

​12:30 - 14:00​Lunch break
​14:00 - 15:30

​Exercise: Capture/validation of a coordination request​​ - data​ (zip file)

Exercise: Converting coordination notices to notification - data (zip file)

​15:30 - 15:45​Break
​15:45 - 17:15

Notification scenario:Part I-S publication/11.31, 11.32A, 11.41 examination and
Part II-S and Part III-S publications  and resubmission process

​17:15 -18:00​Q&A


Indicativ​e Timeline

​Thursday - 6 December 2018

​Basic (ITU - R​oom POPOV) ​Advanced (ITU - R​oom A)​
​9:00 - 10:30

Introduction to Space Plans

AP30/30A submissions

AP30B submissions

Non-GSO subject to coordination and potential steps for their modifications​  - data (zip file)

EPFD data requirements and examination for NGSO satellite networks 

​10:30 - 11:00​Break
​11:00 - 12:30

Analysis of AP30B examination results

Analysis of AP30/30A examination results

GIMS presentation/demo - data (zip file)

ITU regulations concerning registration of small satellites

Exercise: Convert API to Notification - data(zip file)

​12:30 - 14:00​Lunch break
​14:00 - 15:30

​Coordination requests examination

PFD (hard limits/trigger) & Averaging BW​ / Exercise​ / Answers


C/I calculation concepts

Examination of Part-B - Submissions of AP30/30A

Examination of AP30B/A6B - Submissions of AP30B

Examination of submission in AP30/30A/30B

​15:30 - 15:45​Break
​15:45 - 17:15

Submission of Earth Station notices

Exercises: Capturing of ES for coordination and notification - Creation of ES coordination contours

​(Start at 16:15)

Exercise: e-Submission

Exercise:Interference reporting with SIRRS

​17:15 -18:00



Indicativ​e Timeline

​Friday - 7 December 2018

​Basic (ITU - R​oom POPOV) ​Advanced (ITU - R​oom A)​
​9:00 - 10:30

General Introduction  of comments

Exercise: API/B​ (zip file)

Exercise: CR/D​​ - data (zip file)

Exercise: CR/E - data (zip file)

Exercise: AP30-30A/E  - data (zip file)

C/I & C/N advance
Exercise 1 – Excel file - Solution
Exercise 2 – Excel file - Solution
Exercise 3 – Excel file - Solution

Avoiding unrealistic data

Frequency Overlap


​10:30 - 11:00​Break
​11:00 - 12:30

Due diligence information - Res 49/552 Overview and exercise

How to obtain info from the SSD website

RR Article 5 tools

Exercises: Advanced CR/C capture – how to capture and submit modifications

EPFD data requirements and examination for NGSO satellite networks 

​12:30 - 14:30​Lunch break
​14:30 - 16:30

Bringing into use, suspension, 13.6, Res 40

WRC-19 agenda items related to space services


Closing of Workshop

Exercise: e-Submission