ITU's 160 anniversary

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Cost recovery - Computation

How to compute the cost recovery fee for a satellite network filings?

It is now possible to compute an estimate of the cost recovery fee for a filing before it is submitted to the ITU. You would need SPACECAP, which can be downloaded from the web.

When spacecap has been started,
  • First, open a database (mdb format) of a satellite network filing using SPACECAP.
  • Click on Notice Explorer.
  • Select the desired notice from the list.
  • From the Tools menu, select Cost Recovery Analysis.
  • When the computation is computed, the results of the cost recovery analysis can be viewed either in a summary or detail format.

You can refer to the circular letter  CR/245 for more information about the rules governing cost recovery, or visit the cost recovery web page to find other related documents.

Kindly note that, in accordance with Council decision 482 (C2018), for a coordination request of a non-geostationary satellite network containing different mutually exclusive sub-sets of orbital characteristics, cost recovery charges will be separately computed for each of the sub-sets and thereafter added to produce the overall charge of the satellite network. As it is not currently feasible to indicate within SpaceCap whether sub-sets are mutually exclusive or not, please take into account this new calculation methodology in assessing the cost recovery fees of the satellite network you are intending to submit. The actual cost recovery fees will be determined by the Radiocommunication Bureau after a detailed evaluation of the notice.