The information described below must appear in the XML mask data file associated with a notice.
§ non-geostationary satellite system
▬ ntc_id = “ntc_id value”, it is the basic numerical identifier and it must be identical to the content of the ntc_id field allocated in the related notice table defined in the SRS database.
▬ sat_name = “satellite system name”, it must be identical to the content of the sat_name field in the related non_geo table defined in the SRS database.
§ pfd_mask (see RR Appendix 4, item A.14.c)
▬ mask_id = “mask_id value”; it is the unique numerical identifier of this mask within the complete notice for this non-geostationary satellite system, (see item A.14.c.1).
▬ low_freq_mhz = “low_freq_mhz value”, it is the lowest frequency, in MHz, of the frequency band for which this mask is valid (see item A.14.c.2).
▬ high_freq_mhz = “high_freq_mhz value”, it is the highest frequency, in MHz, of the frequency band for which this mask is valid (see item A.14.c.3).
▬ refbw_khz = "refbw_khz value", it is the reference bandwidth, in kHz, of the mask that must be one of the values: "4" or "40" or "1000".
▬ type = “type value”, it must be one of the following values specifying the referential used for this mask (see item A.14.c.4).
· “alpha_deltaLongitude” for option 1; or
· “X_deltaLongitude” for option 2 or
· “azimuth_elevation” for option 3.
▬ a_name = “latitude”, it specified the use of latitudes of sub-satellite points.
▬ b_name = “name of angle b”, it must be one of the values: “alpha” or “X” or “azimuth” in accordance with the selected type of PFD mask.
▬ c_name = “name of angle c”, it must be one of the values: “deltaLongitude” or “elevation” in accordance with the selected type of PFD mask.
◊ by_a
▬ a = “a value”, it is the latitude, in decimal degrees, of the non-GSO sub-satellite point.
◊ by_b
▬ b = “b value”, it is, in accordance with the selected type of PFD mask, either:
· the separation angle α, in decimal degrees, between the non-GSO space station and the GSO arc, as seen from any point on the surface of the Earth when type = “alpha_deltaLongitude” and b_name = “alpha”; or
· the separation angle X, in decimal degrees, between a line projected from the GSO arc through the non-GSO space station to the ground and a line from the non-GSO space station to the edge of the non-GSO beam when type = “X_deltaLongitude” and b_name = ”X”; or
· the azimuth angle, in decimal degrees, when type = “azimuth_elevation” and b_name = “azimuth”.
◊ pfd
▬ c = “c value” it is, in accordance with the selected referential, either:
· the difference in longitude, in decimal degrees, between the non-GSO sub-satellite point and the point on the GSO arc where the angle α is minimized when type = “alpha_deltaLongitude” and b_name = “alpha” and c_name = “deltaLongitude” ; or
· the difference in longitude, in decimal degrees, between the non-GSO sub-satellite point and the point on the GSO arc where the angle X is minimized when type = “x_deltaLongitude” and b_name = “X” and c_name = “deltaLongitude” ; or
· the elevation angle, in decimal degrees, when type = “azimuth_elevation” and c_name = “elevation”.
▬ “pfd value”, it is the value of power-flux density, in dB((W/m2)/BWref), in the reference bandwidth generated at this location on the earth surface (see item A.14.c.5).