As communicated in the circular letter CR/489, the Bureau developed a new application aimed at enhancing the online exploration of orbital and radio characteristics of satellite systems and publication data related to space services.
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From SNL and SNS online to ITU SpaceExplorer
This new application is part of a systemic review of the BR Space Services data system access. It aims to merge and enhance the features included in the Space Network List “Reference publications” part of SNL online and in the Space Network System SNS online to query online data related to satellite frequency assignments in an easier manner.
This application allows users to explore online the active technical and regulatory data published in its BR IFIC (Space) and the history of the publications using dedicated filter criteria.
New with ITU SpaceExplorer
With ITU SpaceExplorer, users can follow the status of an Administration's satellite networks, monitor the latest publications of a BR IFIC (Space) or analyse orbit and spectrum occupancy.
For each satellite network or system, a dashboard is also available to explore in detail its identity, history, regulatory and operational status, as well as its technical data and review results and coordination requirements.
Users will be guided by messages and assistance in order to make learning this environment easier. The application is in English only at this stage. The experience of reading the information is recommended from a large enough screen for better visibility. The data is updated with each BR IFIC publication.