The Regional Radiocommunication Seminar for Asia & Pacific (RRS-16-Asia&Pacific) will be held in Apia, Samoa, from 19 to 23 September 2016, and is jointly organized by the ITU and the Pacific Islands Telecommunication Association, PITA, in collaboration with the Samoa's Ministry of Communication and Information and Technologies, and the Office of the Regulator. This Seminar will be held in the following format:
- A pre-seminar web tutorial with the basic concepts of spectrum management at national and international levels, their links with ITU Radio Regulations ("RR") and ITU-R structures and functions, including the study groups and BR departments, and ITU basic texts with the main focus on RR and their associated Rules of Procedure ("RoP"). A good understanding of the pre-seminar web tutorial concepts is required in order to be able to participate actively in the seminar.
- The 1st day of the seminar will cover concepts related to spectrum management as well as the procedures associated with the recording of frequency assignments in the Master International Frequency Register ("MIFR" ). The review of the modifications to the RR, associated WRC Resolutions decided by the last World Radio Conference (WRC-15) and Radiocommunication Assembly (RA-15) as well as the agenda of the next WRC-19 will follow. This day will also cover the current regulatory framework for international frequency management and the ITU-R Recommendations and best practices regarding the use of spectrum for both terrestrial and space services, including basic training on ICT tools developed by ITU for frequency notifications for those services and for the technical examinations.
- The 2nd day session will be devoted to workshops (terrestrial and space), providing participants with hands- on experience of ITU notification procedures for each type of service, and of the software and electronic publications made available by the Radiocommunication Bureau to the Administrations of Member States and to the ITU-R Sector Members.
- RRS-16-Asia & Pacific will conclude with a three day Forum on "Bridging the Digital divide on the region: role of Radiocommunications Technologies" that will gather main stakeholders in the region in order to prepare the future key spectrum management decisions about the adoption and deployment of these technologies. The topics addressed will include:
i) Digital Terrestrial Television ("DTT");
ii) Digital Dividend ("DD" );
iii) IMT;
iv) Radiocommunications Systems to bridging Digital Divide: Mobile, Fixed Wireless, HAPS, Satellite, Unlicensed Devices, Access and White space technologies;
v) C-Band based and other satellite services;
vi) National Experiences. - The Friday afternoon will be reserved for a Round Table PITA Spectrum Management Group (Open to Group members only).
The lectures and discussions during RRS-16-Asia&Pacific will be in English only. The seminar will be conducted in a "paperless" environment. Given the amount of practical work expected during the workshops, participants are required to bring their laptops which shall comply with a set of minimal specifications.
Member States, ITU-R Sector Members, Associates and Academia from Asia and Pacific Region, and
PITA membership are invited to attend the RRS-16-Asia & Pacific. Attendance to this Seminar is free
of charge for their representatives. Registration for this event is carried out exclusively online, through their respective designated focal point (DFP). Advance registration of all participations is strongly advised. Unannounced participants may face further delays at the on-site registration desk.