The ITU Staff Counseling Service is available to provide assistance to meeting participants for matters of a personal or urgent nature. The Service is situated in Office T.062 of the ITU Tower (T) Building, extension 5380.
The services of a nurse are available to participants from 0845 - 1230 and 1400 - 1730 hours. The medical service is on the ground floor of the ITU Varembé (V) Building (Office V.16 - extension 5397).
Between 1230 and 1400 hours, in case of an emergency, participants may contact the Security Service, extension 119.
After 1730 hours, you may go to the "Permanence Médicale" 9A, rue de Vermont, which is open 24 hours, 7 days a week,
+41 22 734 5150.