ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Emerging Technologies Trends


E​merging Technology Trends is a series of thematic publications on emerging technology. Every year a specific emerging technology, and its impact on development, is presented.

The series promotes the wide scale deployment of emerging technology to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. It also shared information on emerging technology and facilitate the implementation and use of ICT technologies when necessary. The Emerging Technology Trends series will also discuss the development and evolution of emerging technology in developing countries.

Potential themes include:

These publications include recommendations and guidelines and will be used to strengthen capacity building development on emerging technology.

1 - Artificial intelligence and big data for development 4.0 (2021)

Despite its great promise, the AI and data revolution is yet to yield tangible dividends for most developing countries. More often than not, these countries do not have all the prerequisites in place in order to collect sufficient data to utilize AI algorithms for development. Furthermore, existing data too often remain unused because they are released too late or not at all, are not available in digital format or lack the level of granularity needed for decision-making and local innovation.

This new ITU report has been designed to help developing countries overcome these barriers and embrace the huge development opportunities offered by AI and big data deployment.

Intended as a guide for policy-makers and other stakeholders in crafting a national AI and data strategy for development, the report highlights opportunities and outlines good policy and regulatory practices for implementation, while also flagging key challenges and offering hands-on suggestions in managing and overcoming these roadblocks.
