ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Information Session: Fostering youth and women’s participation in the Study Group’s activities

​​​​​​​Time and place: Monday, 4 November 2024, 14h30 – 15h00, Geneva ​​(Popov, ITU)
The information session will consist of a dialogue between ITU members including Government, Private Sector and NGOs to bring their vision, share their knowledge and activities to advance digital inclusion agenda from a holistic and intersectional perspective.

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ITU-D Study Groups play a crucial role in providing a collaborative platform for ITU members- including -Member States, the private sector, academia and NGOs- to share experiences, present ideas, exchange views, and achieve consensus on appropriate strategies to address telecommunication/ICT priorities. The Study Groups examine specific topics of importance to developing countries, with the goal of fostering an enabling environment for meaningful connectivity and digital inclusion, and to support them achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), targets and their specific development priorities.
During the 2022-2025 study group period, ITU-D Study Group 1 has placed a special emphasis on encouraging the meaningful participation of all women and young people, including from among the vulnerable groups, such as persons with disabilities, in all Study Group questions and related activities and meetings. This inclusive, holistic approach aims to promote equal and equitable opportunities and address the intersectional aspect of inclusiveness within the digital ecosystem when ITU members are promoting ICTs at the national, regional and/or global level. To support advancing this important agenda the Study Group 1 Chair Ms Regina Fleur ASSOUMOU BESSOU (Côte d'Ivoire), and the Vice-Chairs Mr Anthony GIANNOUMIS (Norway) and Ms Umida MUSAEVA (Uzbekistan) co-coordinators for gender and youth related issues, are jointly leading these efforts aiming at sharing knowledge, good practices and experiences.

The Third Meeting of ITU-D Study Group 1, scheduled from 4-8 November 2024 in Geneva, provides an opportunity to advance this inclusive approach by holding an information session that focuses on gender and youth component within their work.

This session will serve as a platform for ITU members and their respective delegations to jointly share their views, work and achievements in fostering youth and women’s participation in the Study Group’s activities. ​

The information session is open to all registered participants (on site and online) to ITU-D Study Group 1 Meetings of 4-8 November 2024 (online registration​)

Opening remarks: Ms Regina Fleur ASSOUMOU BESSOU, Chair of ITU-D Study Group 1 (Cote d’Ivoire)

Panel Discussion:

Closing remarks: ITU-D Study Group 1 Vice Chair Coordinator Mr Anthony GIANNOUMIS (Norway)

Interactive discussion and reflections