ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

ITU-D Study Groups 1 and 2 : Types of ITU-D Study Group documents

​​​​​As per Resolution 1 (Rev. Kigali, 2022) input to Study Group or Rapporteur Group meetings may be of three types:​

  1. Contributions for action (documents included on the meeting agenda for discussion);
  2. Contributions for information(information documents not included on the meeting agenda or discussed at the meeting);
  3. Liaison statements.
 Contributions to the Study Group Questions can be submitted for consideration as "for action" or "for information". If you select Action, your contribution will be placed on the agenda, if you select Information your contribution will be available for reference only, and not placed on agenda or discussed
Contributions requiring action received 45 calendar days before a meeting shall be translated and published not less than seven calendar days before the said meeting.  Beyond this deadline, the contributor may submit the document in the original language and in any official language into which they may have been translated by the author.
Contributions should be submitted with an abstract providing an overview of the content of the document and should clearly indicate what kind of action the meeting is requested to take.
A contribution "for action" will be considered as a delayed contribution when it is submitted after the agreed translation deadline (45 days before the meeting) but at least 12 days before a meeting.  The secretariat shall publish these delayed contributions as soon as possible and not later than three working days after receipt.
Contributions for action received by the Director less than 12 calendar days before a meeting shall not be entered on the agenda nor distributed, but held for the next meeting.
Contributions submitted to a meeting "for information" are those which do not require any specific action under the agenda of the meeting. These documents are published in the original language only and posted on the website under a separate series. Information documents need to be submitted with a detailed abstract which will be translated for the meeting.
Contributions "for action" and/or "for information" should not exceed four (4) pages.
For those contributions received before the deadline that need translation into the requested languages, this will be arranged. Documents arriving after the deadline will be distributed in the original language only.
Your contributions to the work of the Study Group Questions will be highly appreciated. You may of course feel free to co-ordinate your proposals with other Administrations and organizations. A joint contribution requires the written approval of the parties involved in order to authorize its release.​
