ITU's 160 anniversary

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GMIS-UNIDO-ITU special session on Technology and Innovation Powering Connectivity for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development

​​​​Time and place: Monday, 1 October 2018, 09:30 – 12:30 (Popov Room)

This session on Technology and Innovation Powering Connectivity for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development​ will take place at ITU Headquarters (ITU Tower building, Popov Room) in Geneva, Switzerland on Monday, 1 October 2018, from 09:30 to 12:30 prior to the ITU-D Study Group 2 Question 1/2 meeting dedicated to “Creating smart cities and society: Employing information and communication technologies for sustainable social and economic development”.

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Background information

This session is jointly organized by UNIDO (U​nited Nations Industrial Development Organization) and ITU (International Telecommunication Union), and powered by GMIS (Global Manufacturing and Industrialization Summit). It contributes to the implementation of the Question 1/2 workplan and is addressed to representatives of ministries, regulators, telecom operators, universities and general education institutions, telecommunication equipment manufacturers, research and design institutes, software dev​elopers and other interested stakeholders.​

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[09:30 - 10:10] Opening remarks and welcome addresses

[10:10 - 11:00] Panel 1: Stakeholder alignment for shaping the future of infrastructure and connectivity for sustainable industrialization

[11:30 - 12:20] Panel 2: Technologies and innovations for sustainable smart cities and societies

[12:20 - 12:30] Closing remarks

  • Mr Ahmad R. Sharafat, Chairman, ITU-D Study Group 2​

Useful references


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