The Workshop on ICT Statistics for Latin America was organized by the Telecommunication Development Bureau of the ITU and was hosted by Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFT) of Mexico, in Mexico City from 28 to 29 October 2019.
The workshop aimed to strengthen the capacity of countries to produce ICT indicators and statistics according to international standards and methodologies The workshop included presentations and discussions related to the overview of the work on ICT measurement carried out worldwide by the ICT Data and Analytics Division, including on the main groups of telecommunications / ICT indicators compiled by ITU, their definitions and methodological standards, the dissemination and harmonization of ICT data internationally, ITU data collection/questionnaires, ITU manuals, as well as mechanisms for the national coordination in the collection and dissemination of ICT statistics. In addition, participants had the opportunity to share their countries' experience in the collection, harmonization and coordination of ICT indicators. Click
here for more information on the workshop.