ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

EUR5 Entrepreneurship, innovation and youth

Objectives adopted by the WTDC - 14: To foster the creation of an enabling environment and build capacities at the regional level, aimed at growth of entrepreneurship and increased innovation in the ICT ecosystem, while encouraging empowerment of young men and women and creating new opportunities for them in the ICT sector. Strengthened cooperation with diverse stakeholders, including academia and private sector will be necessary.

Achieved Results

  • ​Over 500 policy and decision makers have benefitted from the Innovation track activities at WSIS Forum 2015
  • A number of representatives of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have built capacity and established new connections during Telecom World 2015
  • Entrepreneurs and SMEs involved in the National Innovation Ecosystem in Greece have built knowledge and contributed to further development as related to competitiveness and sustainability.

Expected results adopted by WTDC-14

​Assistance to the countries in need in the following:
1) A stronger and expanded regional network of ICT incubators
2) Improved performance, gender-responsiveness and sustainability of ICT incubators across the region
3) Enhanced competitiveness and sustainability of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the region
4) Integration of ICT professionals, including young people and students, into the employment market by providing them with appropriate skills and knowledge and promoting self-development to help them find employment or create their own businesses.


  • ​Innovation track at WSIS Forum 2015, Geneva, Switzerland:

- Knowledge Café "Fostering Innovation Enabling ICTs for Development  
(ICT4D)", 27 May 2015
- High-Level Dialogue "Innovation in ICTs for Sustainable Development", 27 May 2015
- Workshop on ICT Centric National Innovation Ecosystems, 28 May 2015
- Workshop on ICT Incubation Opportunities and Challenges for Sustainable Development, 28 May 2015;

Implementation plan agreed by 2015 Regional Development Forum

Implementation partners

  • ​United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
  • United Nations Industrial Development Organization
  • Ministry of Innovation and Public Administration of Albania
  • Ministry of Economy, Infrastructure, Shipping and Tourism, General Secretariat of Telecommunications and Post of Greece
  • Corallia
  • InnovAthens