ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

EUR2 Development of broadband access and adoption of broadband

Objectives adopted by WTDC - 14:
Due to significant differences in European countries, there is an urgent need to take steps and assist administrations in every aspect of the practical implementation and development of high-speed networks. This action may also comprise the establishment of local/regional broadband roll-out plans. The development of communication networks would be boosted by using the experience in infrastructure-sharing with energy sector (smart grids) and should aim to benefit from cross-sectoral synergies. The degree of progress in this field varies considerably between Member States in the region, and therefore sharing best practices and regulatory policies and providing assistance would help to use resources most effectively.


Achieved Results

  • ​Strengthened capacity in the regulatory field related to broadband, including a regional review of strategies for broadband and a set of non-binding recommendations on the basis of best practices by the regulators
  • Capacity of more than 200 professionals from more than 40 countries built in relation to international policy, trends and developments in the field of broadband connectivity, including mobile broadband;
  • Capacity of more than 30 professionals from more than 10 countries built in the field of Quality of Service (QoS) through participation in the event organized in November 2015, resulting with a set of non-binding recommendations on QoS and peer review of the ITU Academy Training Programme on QoS;
  • Enhanced regional capacity through support to the network of partners in setting up the first Internet Exchange Point in Montenegro.







Expected results adopted by WTDC-14


Assistance to the countries in need in the following:

  1. Creation of new legislative paradigms fostering broadband development, including cost-effective solutions for remote and rural areas and models for infrastructure-sharing including applications of smart grids
  2. Establishment of national and local/regional broadband roll-out plans and monitoring of the implementation and elaboration of relevant cross-sectoral policies and strategies, including setting up national coordination mechanisms
  3. Development of plans for broadband infrastructure roll-out, including in remote and rural areas
  4. Mapping of broadband infrastructure across the region
  5. Monitoring of the quality of services and consumer protection.









Training activities:

  • Online training on Next Generation Broadband Internet Access, 26 May – 22 June 2015, organized on the ITU Academy platform within the framework of the ITU Centres of Excellence by FEEIT Macedonia;
  • Online training on "Mobile Broadband", 17 November – 14 December 2015, organized on the ITU Academy platform within the framework of the ITU Centres of Excellence by FEEIT Macedonia;
  • Online training on "Broadband Access", dates TBC 2016, organized on the ITU Academy platform within the framework of the ITU Centres of Excellence by Technische Universität Chemnitz (TUC)

    Twinning programs and direct assistance to Member States:
  • Provision of support to Montenegro in establishing a National Internet Exchange Point (IXP)


Implementation plan agreed by 2015 Regional Development Forum


Planned set of actions for 2015-2017












Implementation partners

  • ​Ministry for Information Society and Telecommunications of Montenegro
  • Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services of Montenegro (EKIP)
  • Internet Society (ISOC)
  • Centre of Information Systems of the University of Montenegro
  • Italian Ministry of Economic Development
  • Foundation Ugo Bordoni (FUB)
  • Autorita per le Garanzie Nelle Comunicazioni (AGCOM)