ITU's 160 anniversary

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ITU Office For Europe - United Nations Brussels Team Task Force on Digitalization for the SDGs


Task Force on Digitalization for Sustainable Development

The United Nations Brussels team works to build understanding and support for UN system activities within the EU institutions and amongst a wider public in Europe, and beyond. The UN in Brussels stands ready to support EU partners in implementing concrete activities, fostering dialogue, and creating international digital partnerships with partner countries. 

In February 2020, following the overarching priorities set by the EU, the UN Brussels Team (UNBT) approved the creation of a Task Force on Digitalization for the SDGs (Hereafter 'Digital TF'), with the co-lead of UNESCO Office in Brussels and ITU Office for Europe. It represents a coordination mechanism and advocacy platform through which the different UN agencies work and deliver together on digital-related issues. The TF includes representatives of FAO, ILO, OHCHR, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNDRR, UNEP, UN-Habitat, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNLOPS, UNODC, UNOPS, UNRIC, UN Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries, UNU Merit, UN Women, IOM, WFP, WHO, and the World Bank. The UN Brussels Office also supports UN-EU high-level engagement and RCs/HCs missions to Brussels.​​​​





​All papers can be provided on demand. Please submit your request to the ITU Europe Office at

UN Brussels Team Paper on Digitalization for the SDGs​

This paper presents an overview of UN specialized agencies, funds, programmes and other entities' support 
for inclusive digital transformation for the SDGs. It has been ela borated in the spirit of alignment and the building of international partnerships and guided by the SG's Roadmap on Digital Cooperation; It is structured around the cardinal points of the EU's digital compass and within t​​he scope of fundamental rights and principles.
Annex 1. UN Agencies' Flagship initiatives and project

Annex 1 presents the efforts of the UN in driving the digital transformation in line with the core pillars of the EU Digital Compass. Each initiative is ongoing, has the potential for scalability, and is either country-based, regional, or global in scope. This list is not exhaustive and more information on other UN Agencies' initiatives and activities can be provided upon request

Annex 2. United Nations Global Processes & For a related to Digitalization 2021-2022​

Annex 2. is a background living document that provides an overview of the United Nations Processes and Fora related to digitalization taking place in 2021 and 2022. It identifies the link of each forum/ process with the Digital Strategy of the European Union, the “EU Digital Compass". ​
​EU public consultation on the Digital Principles

A joint contribution to the EU Public Consultation on the Digital Principles was submitted on behalf of the TF on 02/09. The UNBT/TF on digitalization for the SDGs proposed principles for the 8 areas of the consultation:


EU-UN 'Digital Thematic dialogues'​

The Task Force, together with the EU, is organizing a series of EU-UN 'Digital Thematic dialogues', to be held every quarter of the year, in particular on: 'Human rights and gender', 'Education', 'AI', and 'Disinformation'. The objective of these series of dialogues will be to express views on how to concretely collaborate in these areas, support each other in enabling inclusive, resilient and sustainable digital societies, as well as brief the EU on the ongoing work of the UN, and vice versa, in order to keep a cohesive approach towards alignment of strategies. The dialogues will also provide an opportunity to showcase ongoing work and best practices from both the UN and the EU sides in specific areas of interest. The first dialogue on 'Human rights and gender' is held in September and included the participation of INTPA, EEAS, CNECT, and the D4D Hub, among others. 
Side Event on the “Open Internet for Inclusive and Resilient Human-centred Digital Partnerships” 

On the occasion of the EU-AU Summit, on the 17th of February 2022, an official Side Event has been organized jo
intly by the AU-EU-UN on the “Open Internet for Inclusive and Resilient Human-Centered Digital Partnerships". More information and recording of the event can be found here.