Task Force on Digitalization for Sustainable Development
The United Nations Brussels team works to build understanding and support for UN system activities within the EU institutions and amongst a wider public in Europe, and beyond. The UN in Brussels stands ready to support EU partners in implementing concrete activities, fostering dialogue, and creating international digital partnerships with partner countries.
In February 2020, following the overarching priorities set by the EU, the UN Brussels Team (UNBT) approved the creation of a Task Force on Digitalization for the SDGs (Hereafter 'Digital TF'), with the co-lead of UNESCO Office in Brussels and ITU Office for Europe. It represents a coordination mechanism and advocacy platform through which the different UN agencies work and deliver together on digital-related issues. The TF includes representatives of FAO, ILO, OHCHR, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNDRR, UNEP, UN-Habitat, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNLOPS, UNODC, UNOPS, UNRIC, UN Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries, UNU Merit, UN Women, IOM, WFP, WHO, and the World Bank. The UN Brussels Office also supports UN-EU high-level engagement and RCs/HCs missions to Brussels.