[10:00– 10:30]
| Opening Segment High-level Opening Addresses - Mr. Stephen Bereaux, Deputy Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU, Bio, Presentation
- H.E. Mr. Boštjan Koritnik, Minister, Ministry of Public Administration, Republic of Slovenia, Bio
Remarks from the RCC - Ms. Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General, Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), Bio, Presentation
Setting the Regional Context - Mr. Jaroslaw Ponder, Head of the ITU Office for Europe, ITU, Bio, Presentation
[10:30 – 11:30]
| Session 1: The Digital Divide in Europe: Ensuring meaningful and inclusive connectivity
Focus: How connecting the unconnected is not only an infrastructure development question but also a socio-economic challenge. Moderation - Mr. Jaroslaw Ponder, Head of the ITU Office for Europe, ITU, Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Dan Sjöblom, EaPeReg Vice Chair 2021 and outgoing BEREC Chair 2020, Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Peter Grum, Acting Director-General, Directorate for Information Society and Informatics, Ministry of Public Administration, Republic of Slovenia”, Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Mehmet Özcan, ICT Expert, Information and Communication Technologies Authority (ICTA), Turkey, Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Christoph Steck, Director of Public Policy and Internet, Telefonica SA, Bio, Presentation
- Ms. Eleanor Sarpong, Deputy Director and Policy Lead, Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI), World Wide Web Foundation, Bio, Presentation
[11:40 – 13:00]
| Session 2: Connecting Rural Areas in Europe: regional and national approaches
Focus: Closing the service divide in rural areas in Europe through last mile connectivity and other projects.
Moderation and Setting the context - Mr Istvan Bozsoki, Head of the Telecommunications Network & Spectrum Management Division (TNS), Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT), ITU, Bio, Presentation
Setting the context
- Ms. Aminata Amadou Garba, Technology Coordinator, Telecommunications Network & Spectrum Management Division (TNS), Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT), ITU, Bio, Presentation
- Ms. Sophie Treinen, Information and Knowledge Management Officer, Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, FAO, Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Dominic Hayes, Spectrum Management and International Relations, Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space, European Commission, Bio, Presentation
- Ms. Eka Kubusidze, Head of Telecommunications, Information and Modern Technologies Department, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Genaro Cruz, Senior Market Engagement and Advocacy Manager, GSMA, Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Joe Barrett, CEO, Global mobile Suppliers Association (GSA), Bio, Presentation
[13:30 – 14:45]
| Session 3: Use of ICTs in Public institutions: a focus on connecting Schools
Focus: ensuring efficient use of ICTs in educational systems as a best practice for meaningfully connected societies
Moderation and Setting the Context - Mr. Jaroslaw Ponder, Head of the ITU Office for Europe, ITU, Bio, Presentation
Setting the context
- Mr. Julian McNeill, Consultant, ITU Office for Europe, ITU, Bio, Presentation
Panellists- H.E. Milan Dobrijevic, Acting Assistant Minister, Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications (MTT), Republic of Serbia, Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Ihar Shchetko, Giga Project Coordinator in Central Asia, ITU, Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Marcin Łukasiewicz, Senior Specialist, Telecommunications Investment Unit, Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Republic of Poland, Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Tomi Dolenc, Head of User Communication, Academic and Research Network of Slovenia (ARNES), Republic of Slovenia, Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Jan Buis, Vice President Business Development, LANCOM Systems (Rohde Schwarz), Bio, Presentation
[14:45 – 16.00]
| Session 4: Fostering Digital Skills development: supporting demand creation for Connectivity
Focus: empowering individuals in leveraging connectivity and digital technologies supporting social and economic development
Moderation - AnaMaria Meshkurti, Programme Officer, ITU Office for Europe, ITU, Bio, Presentation
- Ms. Lidia Stępińska-Ustasiak, Deputy Director, Department of Foreign Affairs, Office of Electronic Communications (UKE), Republic of Poland, Bio, Presentation
- Ms. Gulsanna Mamediieva, Director General of the Directorate for European Integration, Ministry of Digital Transformation (MDTU), Ukraine, Bio, Presentation
- (TBD) Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Marcin Krasuski, Government Affairs and Public Policy Manager, Google, Bio, Presentation