Ms. Doreen Bogdan-Martin was elected Director of the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau in November 2018 and took office on the 1 of January 2019. She is a strategic leader with 30 years' of high-level experience in international and inter-governmental relations, and a long history of success in policy and strategy development, analysis and execution. From 2008-2018, she led the Strategic Planning & Membership Department of ITU, and also served as Coordinator of United Nations Affairs. She was one of the architects of the annual Global Symposium for Regulators and leads ITU's contribution to the EQUALS Global Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age. She serves as Executive Director of the UN Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development, and is leading ITU's collaboration with UNICEF and others on the GIGA project to connect the world's school. She holds a Master's degree in International Communications Policy from the American University in Washington, DC and a post graduate certificate in Strategies for Leadertship from the Institute for Management Development in Lausanne, Switzerland. She is an affiliate of the Harvard University Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society , and a Generation Unlimited Champion. She serves on a number of advisory bodies, including the Geneva Tsingua Initiative, the SDG Lab Advisory Board, and the UN Technology Innovation Labs . She is also an amateur radio operator. Ms Bogdan-Martin is married with four children.
Mr. Vladan Đukanović has more than 20 years of experience in the telecommunications sector, and since 2004 he has been engaged in the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services of Montenegro, first as a database engineer and then in the economic sector as a Market analysis manager and Manager for tariffs. He participated in the preparation of the vast number of analyses of the fixed telephony, mobile telephony and broadband markets that this regulator has done since its establishment, as well as the analysis of the realized traffic and tariffs of services of telecommunication operators in Montenegro. He also has the experience in management and is fluent in English language. Starting from January 2019, he has been a member of the Council of the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services of Montenegro. He has a degree in electrical engineering, in the field of electronics and telecommunications, obtained at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at University of Podgorica, Montenegro.
Mr. Guido Acchioni. He worked in IBM just before he joined the EC DGIII (Industry) in 1994 where he worked as an "intramuros expert" within the context of the TEDIS programme (Trade Electronic Data Interchange Systems) and then in the first IDA programme (Interchange of Data between Administrations). At the end of 1997 he started his EC career as a "Temporary Research Agent" in the joint entity of DGIIII and DGXIII called ISAC "Information Society Activity Centre" where he administered the Information Society Forum of 150 Member State experts; From 2001 to 2003 he worked in DG INFSO directorate B within a unit that dealt with the "Regional and International aspects of ICT". From 2004 to 2012 he worked in DGINFSO C1 Digital Agenda unit dealing specifically with broadband policy and with the ICT policy aspects of Cohesion and Rural development including the programming of the European Economic Recovery Package (EERP). As from July 2012 to date he works in the Broadband Unit of directorate CONNECT/B, later renamed as "Investment in High Capacity Networks". There he deals with issues, such as: mapping of coverage of broadband services, the programing and implementation of broadband investment in EU funds (ERDF, EAFRD, RRP. CEF. InvestEU), the annual broadband awards, the management of the Broadband Competence Offices Network initiative, jointly with AGRI, REGIO and COMP, and with the issue of modelling broadband projects which, over the years, has taken the form of successive "EC Guides to Broadband Investment" soon to become a "Guide to Investment in Very High Capacity Networks " for public authorities.
Ms. Dubravka Aleksic: 2003 till now in the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services of Montenegro: 2010 till now as Manager for Electronic Communication Networks, 2003-2010 as engineer for RF spectrum monitoring; 1999-2003 as Head of the Sector for Information System in the Post of Montenegro;
1991-1999 in the Sector for Information System within former Public Enterprise of Post and Telecommunications of Montenegro: 1998-1999 as Head of Sector for Information System, 1997-1998 as Head of the Development Office within the Sector for Information, System. 1994-1997 as engineer for new telematic services development, 1992-1994 as programmer, 1991-1992 as trainee; 1990 as teacher in Electrical Engineering High School in Podgorica. Experience in: Infrastructure and broadband mapping (analysis, public procurement, monitoring, implementation and management); Electronic communications market analysis; Drafting regulations related to electronic communication infrastructure and networks, as well as monitoring of its implementation by operators; Participation in development of planning documents (giving the opinion on the draft of the planning documentations related to EC infrastructure) ; RF monitoring - public procurement, implementation and use of the System for RF monitoring; Information system - programming, analysis, public procurement, implementation, maintaining and management; Teaching.
Mr. Zoran Aleksov, Ph. D., is a graduate electrotechnical engineer, field of informatics and automatics. He has work experience of more than 30 years. He worked as High School professor (1988-1996), University professor (1996- ), General manager of Central Register of Republic of Macedonia (2006-2009), Mayor of municipality of Shtip (2009-2013). Currently works at Agency for Electronic Communications od Republic of North Macedonia, as a Head of Division for Public Communication Networks and Services.
Mr. Boris Arsov Ph.D. is a graduate engineer in electronics and telecommunications and Doctor of science, with almost 25 years of experience in the field of telecommunications and electronic media. Worked in AD Makedonski Telekomunikacii in Department for Projects and Investments and Procurement Department. Currently worked in Regulatory body – Agency for electronic communication in Macedonia on position Head of telecommunication department. In the research activities he has 15 science papers in the field.
Mr. Michel Van Bellinghen, Master of Laws (UCL), started off at the university in 1990 as a researcher, then became an assistant under the supervision of Professor Françoise Tulkens, at the UCL Laws Centre for Criminal Law. He became an assistant advisor at the Ministry of Justice in 1992 under the supervision of Professor Marc Bossuyt and joined the BIPT in 1997. From 1999 to 2003 he held the position of expert at the private office of Rik Daems, who was the Federal Telecommunications Minister at the time, and afterwards took up the function of Assistant Head of the Private Office. From 2003 until 2009 he was nominated Member of the BIPT Council for the first time. Following this mandate he remained closely affiliated to the Council and supervised the legal department of the regulator during a number of years. He has written scientific publications. In 2013 he held a position on the Council as a Member. In January 2017 he was assigned Chairman of the BIPT Council. In 2020, Michel Van Bellinghen has been elected to serve as a Vice-Chair and the incoming BEREC Chair 2021.
Mr. Vaidas Banevičius is the Chief Specialist of Spectrum Engineering Division of Radiocommunication Department in the Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT). In the field of his activities he is dealing with technical and regulatory aspects of the spectrum management and spectrum engineering. Among other things, he was responsible for the development of a theoretical LTE throughput calculation method. Over the years of experience at RRT, he has participated in various CEPT/ECC spectrum engineering working groups. Currently, he is a short-term expert in Twinning Project for supporting the Ukrainian National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization (NCCIR). Vaidas is the Master of telecommunications engineering.
Mr. MANUEL FILIPE PEDROSA DE BARROS. Since 2020 Consultant of the Board of Directors of ANACOM. 2007-2020 Director of Communications Security Department (DSC/GSC). Mission: to ensure the supervision and regulation of the sector and assistance to the Government in what regards the security of communications, in matters of security and emergency, civil emergency planning and cooperation with the civil protection, security and integrity of electronic communications networks and services, the protection of personal data and privacy in the electronic communications sector and the access to emergency services. To ensure the promotion of technical standardization and the management of the Information System on broadband communications infrastructures (SIC/SIIA). To advise ANACOM board of directors about the organization internal security. 2000-2007 Director of the Technology and Equipment Department (DTE). Mission: Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (R&TTE) directive, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) directive, Communications Networks and Numbering, Technical Standardization (ETSI, CEN, CENELEC, ITU-T, ISO/IEC), Communications Security, Radio and EMC Testing and Metrologic Laboratories, Telecommunications Building Infrastructures. 1998-2000 Director of the Equipment and Standardization Department (DEN). Mission: R&TTE and EMC directives, Technical Standardization, Radio and EMC Testing and Metrologic Laboratories. 1997-1998 Director of the Standards and Approvals Department (DNH), Mission: TTE and EMC directives, Technical Standardization, Radio and EMC Testing and Metrologic Laboratories OECD – Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Since 2001 Member of the WPISP/WPSPDE – Working Party on the Security and Privacy in the Digital Economy. 2008 Member of the drafting group of the Seoul Declaration for the Future of the Internet Economy ENISA - European Network and Information Security Agency. 2004-2016 Alternate Member of the ENISA Management Board. Since 2009 Member of the Expert group on Article 13-A of the Electronic Communications Framework Directive. Since 2010 Planner, participant and national promoter of the 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016 Cyber Europe exercises. ITU – International Telecommunications Union: 2008 Member of the High-Level Expert Group of the Global Cybersecurity Agenda. 2008 WSIS participant member Academic. 1987-2008 A lecturer in several Technical Institutes and Universities, responsible for courses, such as: Structure and Operation of Computers, Digital Systems, Discrete Mathematics, Formal
Mr. Fjorald Bitri is a telecommunications engineer with experience on telecommunications technologies and services, with practical experience in network planning, broadband technology and ICT management and telecommunications policy development. Mr. Bitri has an experience in the ICT field over than 20 years. Since 2017, Mr. Bitri has joined in Electronic and Postal Communications Authority in the areas of network and broadband development field. Mr. Bitri is currently holding the position of administrator of the Atlas system, and managing the common infrastructure in this system. During this time, Mr. Bitri has been engaged in several projects, which are related to the development of broadband infrastructure in Albania. Mr. Bitri has Master’s degrees in Computer and Telecommunication Engineering from The Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania.
Mr Istvan Bozsoki joined the ITU in 1997 to work at the Space Department of the Radiocommunication Bureau and he was dealing with coordination and notification of satellite systems. In 2007 he moved to the Telecommunication Development Bureau and is responsible for spectrum management and broadcasting issues. Since April 2013 he is Head of Spectrum Management and Broadcasting Division. After obtaining his degree in telecommunication engineering at the Technical University Budapest in 1980 he spent 17 years at the Hungarian Communication Authority and he was dealing with technical and regulatory aspects of the spectrum management. Among others, he was responsible for the development of a computerized spectrum management system and for cross-border frequency coordination. Later, he was appointed as director of international affairs. He has a master degree in radiocommunications and broadcasting.
Mr. Joao Cadete De Matos, Head of the Statistics Department at Banco de Portugal and Visiting Professor at the NOVA Information Management School of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (New University of Lisbon). Chairman of the Secção Permanente de Coordenação Estatística (Permanent Section of Statistics Coordination) of the Conselho Superior de Estatística (Statistical Council). Member of various international committees, including the Statistics Committee of the European System of Central Banks, the European Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments Statistics, the IMF Government Finance Statistics Advisory Committee, the Irving Fisher Committee on Central Bank Statistics and the European Statistical Forum. He has served as Chairman of the European Committee of Central Balance Sheet Data Offices (2014 - 2016) and as Chairman of the European Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments Statistics (2011 - 2012). He joined Banco de Portugal in 1985 and worked in several departments, becoming the first coordinator of the Balance of Payments Area in the Statistics and Economic Research Department (1993-1998). He was appointed Deputy Head of the Statistics Department in 1998 and Head of this Department in 2004. At an academic level, he has held teaching positions at ISCTE (1988 - 1999), where he coordinated the subjects of Currency and Banking and Monetary Economics, and at Instituto Superior de Economia of Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (Lisbon Technical University) (1982 - 1986), after completing a degree in Economics there in 1982.
Mr. Vladimir Daigele Programme Officer, Telecommunication Network and Spectrum Management Division, Digital Networks & Society Department BDT of ITU. Vladimir Daigele is Programme Officer at ITU implementing ICT Infrastructure development initiatives, including the establishment of broadband networks in developing countries, Conformity and Interoperability (C&I) programme, and ITU Broadband Maps.
Mr. Zoran Dervisov is a graduate engineer in electronics and telecommunications with almost 30 years of experience in the field of telecommunications and GIS. Worked in AD Makedonski Telekomunikacii in Center for Research and Development, currently in position of Chief Technical Officer in GDi DOOEL Skopje, a company whose main activity is development of solutions based on GIS technology. Participated in preparation of NOBP (National Operational Broadband Plan), a strategic document for development of broadband services in Macedonia. Member of National Broadband Competence Office.
Mr. Johannes Feldmann’s current position is Senior Vice President Special Projects with atene KOM, a German public sector consultancy, specialised in advising on digitalisation, digital infrastructures and public administration. Furthermore, Johannes Feldmann is Co-Founder of the Portugal-based sustainability and management consultancy SELECTSPRING Lda. and avocational Professor of the Institute Corporate Responsibility Management of the Steinbeis University Berlin. In his position with atene KOM, Johannes Feldmann has been working with several high-ranking clients, including the Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology of the European Union, the German Ministry for transportation and digital Infrastructures, the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the State of Schleswig-Holstein, among others. Johannes Feldmann’s work has been very influential for the broadband developments across Europe. He was responsible for the financial administration of the German national broadband funding scheme, represented the German Broadband Competence Office (BCO) within the European BCO network, conducted studies on the national broadband plans of the EU Member States and consulted different ministries across Germany, Europe and beyond regarding their approaches and strategies to digitalization. He has extensive knowledge of both digitalization and sustainability, serving clients from the public and the private sector alike. Johannes Feldmann studied in Göttingen, Porto, Berlin and Krems. He holds Master’s degrees in Philosophy, Political Science, German Language Studies and Responsible Management, additionally to a professional MBA in Corporate Responsibility and Business Ethics.
Ms. Begoña García-Mariñoso is a senior data analyst at CNMC (Spain) and currently Co-Chairs the BEREC Statistics and Indicators Working Group with Rita Vala (ANACOM). With 14 years’ experience working in the Spanish electronic communications regulatory agency with different roles, previously she lectured on regulation, competition policy and industrial economics at City University of London and the University of East Anglia. She has published in Telecommunications Policy, the Journal of Regulatory Economics, the Journal of Industrial Economics and the review of Network Economics.
Ms. Agnieszka Gładysz is the Director of the Department of Strategy and Analysis in the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE) in Poland. She graduated in economics from the Wrocław University of Economics and has a degree in competition law from the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Ms Gładysz also completed a one-year management program for business leaders at the ICAN Institute. Ms Gładysz and her team supervise and monitor the state of the Polish telecommunications market and perform regulatory project assessments on behalf of the UKE President. She manages projects related to the adoption of emerging technologies and implementation of EU regulations. Furthermore, her team evaluates the telco environment, expectations of the market players and need for policy implementation using a multistakeholder approach. The Department she manages prepares UKE President’s strategy and ensures its successful implementation. Ms Gładysz is an expert of BEREC working groups regarding market analyses and establishing and funding of NGN infrastructural projects. She is responsible for the cooperation between UKE and the European Commission with regards to data collection, benchmarking and review of market conditions. Ms Gładysz has been involved in the launch and monitoring of Roam Like at Home (RLAH) provisions. Currently, she cooperates and works closely with the European Commission on establishing the toll rate model for FTR and MTR. With more than 10 years’ experience in telecommunications and business analysis, Ms Gładysz leads analytical projects for the governmental “Digital Poland Programme”. Her task is to equally manage data gathering from national telco providers and create open mapping solutions for infrastructure inventory assessment. Ms Gładysz has been delegated by the World Bank to provide her expertise and consult on broadband mapping network implementation for Eastern Partnership member countries.
Mr. Harald Gruber is head of the Digital Infrastructure Division at the Projects Directorate of the European Investment Bank based in Luxembourg. He oversees a team of experts involved in project appraisal. He also works on the Bank’s business strategy with respect to financing of broadband infrastructure, innovation policy and the digital economy in general. He has also contributed in defining new financial instruments for digital infrastructure jointly with European Commission, national promotional banks and private sector. Harald has also a considerable record of accomplishment in scientific publication. Recent work is on formulating proposals for a digital industrial policy . More in general, he has published articles in refereed journals as well as books. He is on the editorial board of academic journals. He has been also professor at Bocconi University (Milan) for telecommunications economics. Harald Gruber holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the London School of Economics.
Mr. Boris Jevric after graduating on the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Montenegro in 1997, he began his professional engagement in the Government of Montenegro - Secretariat for Development, on the positions of programmer - web administrator. In the period from 1999-2002, he was the head of the Multimedia Sector with competences of promoting IT in the early stage of its developement in Montenegro. Since 2002, he works in the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services. In the period 2002-2003 he worked as an engineer in the field of broadcasting, then as an engineer for the management of radio frequency spectrum for the next two years . In the period 2005-2006, he was engaged in the field of control and monitoring of the radio frequency spectrum. He was the head of the Radiocommunications Sector in the period from 2006-2009. After that, until today, he performs the duties of Deputy Executive Director for Radiocommunications,
The most significant professional achievements during his work in the Agency are the following:
- participation in the development of strategic documents in the field of RF spectrum management;
- participation in radio frequency allocation procedures for mobile communication networks;
- coordinator of the working group for the auction process in Montenegro (2016);
- member of the team for the drafting of Strategy for the development and implementation of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Control and Monitoring System;
- member of the group for drafting the Law on Electronic Communications (2012-2013);
- member of the group for drafting of the Guidelines for the digital radio introduction in Montenegro (2019);
- member of working teams for the coordination of radio frequencies;
- associate member (2013-2018) and appointed member (from 2018, by the Decision of the Government of Montenegro) of the Working Group for the preparation and conduct of negotiations on Montenegro's accession to the European Union in the field of information society and media.
He has great engagement and experience in organizing international professional gatherings; two of them stand out: Infofest - Festival of ICT Achievements (1998-2002) and the International Conference "Regulatory Activities in Electronic Communications" in the region of Central and Southeast Europe (2003-2019).
Mr. Karol Krzywicki Deputy PresidentOffice of Electronic Communications (UKE), POLAND. Graduate of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, master of law at the Faculty of Law and Administration. From 2000 to 2003 an employee of the Ministry of Communications responsible for cooperation with courier companies. Since 2003 involved in the activity of the regulator for the telecommunications and postal markets. From 2005 to 2014 he was the head of Department of the Postal Market. From 2014 to 2016 he held the position of Deputy President of UKE. Karol Krzywicki was a co-author of the Postal Law Act and executive regulations to that and other acts falling within the scope of postal market. He was involved in developing regulatory tools, such as the financing mechanism for postal services, regulatory accounting and cost calculation as well as the monitoring system for the quality of service. He contributed to the development of the EU Third Postal Services Directive and to the establishment of the European Regulators Group for Postal Services. He represented the President of UKE internationally in the Postal Directive Committee of the European Commission, the Administrative Council of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), plenary meetings of the European Regulators Group for Postal Services (ERGP) and the European Committee for Postal Regulation (CERP). He was twice a delegate to the UPU Congress, in 2016 as the deputy head of the delegation of Poland which was elected a member of the Council of Administration and the Postal Operations Council. On 15 February 2017 Krzywicki was appointed by the Minister of Digital Affairs as the Deputy President of UKE with responsibility for the postal market. In his private life he is interested in the automotive industry and international affairs.
Mr. David Kutateladze is a master’s degree holder in telecommunications engineering and bachelor’s degree holder in Electrical Communications Engineering. David has been working for Communications Commission of Georgia since 2000. This is independent regulatory authority for electronic communications and broadcasting. David holds a position of Chief Specialist at Spectrum and Technology Department. David is a professional in technical and strategic solutions to complex telecommunications problems. Experienced in resolving complex practical issues by applying in-depth knowledge of most recent technologies and innovations globally. Extensive knowledge of regulatory methodology on the one hand and private sector priorities, on the other.
Mr. Julian McNeill, ITU Consultant at the Office for Europe, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), His portfolio includes implementation of programmes on infrastructure and broadband development as well as policy and regulation, with a focus on the 46 countries of Europe region. In this context, he is responsible for liaising with ITU Members and other stakeholders to advance the delivery of projects events or technical assistance to the countries. Mr. McNeill has matured international experience in digital and telecommunication policy from both the public and private sectors with particular regard to 5G, spectrum management, broadcasting & media, digital inclusion, infrastructure development, broadband mapping and electronic communications regulation more broadly. Mr. McNeill holds a Master Degree in International Political Economy from King’s College London.
Ms. Sofie Maddens is the Head of the Regulatory and Market Environment Division of the ITU BDT. Lawyer by training, Sofie Maddens has worked as Regulatory and Policy Expert in the telecommunications/ICT sector in international and multi-cultural environments, including in Asia and the Middle East, as well as in the Americas, Europe and Africa. She has managed complex private sector, government, and regional and international projects and grants for national governments and their National Regulatory Authorities, the European Commission, the World Bank, the Telecommunications Development Bureau of the ITU as well as for a wide variety of private telecommunications, consulting and financial sector clients. Her scope of expertise has focused in particular on the information and communications sectors, the postal sector as well as the information society (including Internet policy and governance, e-commerce, privacy, cybercrime and cyber security).
Mr. Pavle Mijušković graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, major in Electronics, University of Montenegro in 1992. After graduation he moved to Canada where lived for 10 years. He worked at SKEPSI Technologies Inc. (Montreal, Canada) from 1994 to 1995 and developed KEYMASTER, application for managing security access and FOCUS, application used by financial advisors to browse portfolio information while at remote location. From 1995 to 2002 he worked at SIEMENS CANADA LIMITED (Montreal, Canada) where he was involved in the development of software package (IQS) which creates automatic specifications for various low voltage distribution products. He was also involved in creating the interface between IQS and SAP. In 2002 he returned to Podgorica and started working at the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services as manager for Internet and IP based services. He was responsible for the implementation of regulatory framework in the field of IP networks and services in the area of service quality, customer protection, registration, etc. In 2017 he became Deputy Executive Director, Department for Electronic Communications Networks and Services.
Mr. Branko Mirkovic, Head of Networks, Services and Electronic Equipment Division, Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (RATEL), Republic of Serbia. Branko Mirkovic has more than 15 years of extensive experience in the telecommunications industry covering both fixed and mobile networks and services, broadband infrastructure and transformation strategies. Before his appointment as Head of Networks and Services division in RATEL, he served in engineering and management positions for several telco operators responsible for technology development, network deployment and projects coordination and delivery. During past few years through his work, contributions and achievements he actively represents interests of RATEL in Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC), European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA). He holds engineering degree in field of telecommunications at the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade in Republic of Serbia.
Mr. Juan Navas-Sabater is presently Lead Digital Development Specialist in the Vienna, Austria, office of the World Bank, and member of the World Bank’s Digital Development Global Practice, having played a similar role in the Brussels, Belgium, office of the World Bank since 2015. He is Cluster Lead in charge of digital development operations in the Europe and Central Asia region, including those implemented with support of the European Commission, and working at the intersection between ICT and transport, as well as other sectors. Prior to this assignment, Juan was the World Bank’s Program Leader for Sustainable Development in the Russian Federation, based in Moscow, and before that, he was Regional ICT Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean in the ICT Sector Unit of the World Bank, based in Washington DC, where he worked since joining the Bank in 1998. Prior to the World Bank, in addition to broad experience in the private sector, he held a position at the State Secretariat for Telecommunications and Information Society, in Spain.
Mr. Jaroslaw K. Ponder, Head of the Office for Europe at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) (Geneva, Switzerland), representing ITU in Europe and directing actions, projects, initiatives and experts groups targeting 46 countries of the Europe Region. His portfolio includes set of Regional Initiatives for Europe, designed by the European Member States and focusing on the ICT Infrastructure, Digitization, Digital Inclusion, Accessibility, Innovation and Cybersecurity. Along the professional career, Mr. Ponder held official positions in the public sector and was a contributor to the legislative projects having the impact on the public policy. Since 2014 Mr. Ponder has been working for ITU holding diverse positions in the General Secretariat, Telecommunication Development Bureau, and Regional Presence, addressing complexity of information society development and digital transformation at national, regional, international level, including United Nations level. For several years he has managed ITU’s work on the United Nations World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) process, leading towards the establishment of the annual WSIS Forum, WSIS Prizes, WSIS Stocktaking, others.
Ms. Inga Popovici has been working in several departments of the Romanian Regulatory Authority (ANCOM) for 17 years. Currently she is working in the Strategy and Innovation department of ANCOM. For more than 7 years she has been involved in the activities of the Eastern Partnership regulators’ Network (EaPeReg) where she has been contributing to the Network’s efforts to implement the EU framework related to the Telecom sector in the EaP countries.In 2019 she was elected for the position of Chair of the IRB EWG of EaPeReg, that is mandated to draft the recommendations aimed at creating a proper (legal) background for the consistent implementation of the EU framework in the EaP region. In this position, she has been monitoring the work of the EU institutions and organizations, such as European Commission, BEREC, ENISA etc, on the topics related to infrastructure sharing, competition promotion, affordable connectivity, empowerment of the NRAs with certain competences in order to enable competition in the EaP electronic communication markets, QoS & QoE, 5G roll-out, security and resilience of the networks, affordable connectivity etc. She has been also following the ITU projects for European Region, the ITU-D Study Group 1 activity and the UN broadband commission’s work.
Mr. Steffen Schmitt works as the head of the single information point at the Federal Network Agency and has been responsible for infrastructure mapping that he set up for eleven years. With his team, he collects the data from over 3000 suppliers and presents them in the "Infrastrukturatlas". The lawyer has worked in various functions at the Federal Network Agency for over 20 years.
Mr. Matija Tomcic. 2011 till now in the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services of Montenegro: 2015 till now as Main Specialist for Electronic Communication Networks; 2012-2015 as Specialist for Electronic Communication Networks; 2011-2012 as Trainee. Experience in: Infrastructure and broadband mapping (analysis, public procurement, monitoring, implementation and management); Participation in the development of planning documents (giving the opinion on the draft documentations related to EC infrastructure); IPv6 protocol (master's thesis, implementation and testing); Electronic communications market analysis and cost accounting; Drafting regulations related to electronic communication infrastructure and networks, as so as monitoring of its implementation by operators; Information system - Programming, analysis, implementation, teaching users in process of mapping, maintaining and management.
Mr. Primož Uršič is the Head of the Infrastructure Investment Monitoring Department at the Communications Networks and Services Agency (AKOS), Republic of Slovenia. He is a 44 years old lawyer with a state bar exam. Mr. Uršič has been employed in various fields in state administration and justice for more than 20 years - his work experience among other includes 5 years of work in the field of building permits and denationalisation of real estate; and 10 years in the civil department of the District Court of the Republic of Slovenia. For the last 4 years he has been running the Infrastructure Investment Monitoring Department, which is dedicated to improving the conditions for investors to successfully carry out their investment projects and thus to building super-fast digital connections to virtually every household in Slovenia. He is the recipient of the United Nations Association of Slovenia Award (UNAS) [2000].
Ms. Naroa Zurutuza. Naroa Zurutuza is UNICEF’s Data and Product Lead for Giga, an initiative that aims to connect every school to the Internet. Prior to joining UNICEF, she lived and worked in various companies in Kenya; from a startup that is trying to change the way the world understands agriculture to a non-profit empowering local entrepreneurs through access to finance. Naroa holds a MS in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University and a MS in Telecommunications Engineering from Universidad del País Vasco, where she mastered in next generation wireless networks and cognitive radio with a Master Thesis at Telenor. Her curiosity and passion for learning have made her be part of multiple projects, including the co-production of OWINO, an environmental documentary financed by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.