We were pleased to invite
all stakeholders to the ITU Webinar on
“Protecting Children and Young Persons Online in Europe held on 29 June 2020 from 10.00 to 11.30 am.
This webinar was organized within the framework of the ITU Regional Initiative for Europe
on Enhancing trust and confidence in the use of information and
communication technologies, adopted by WTDC-17 and aiming at supporting the
deployment of resilient infrastructure and secure services allowing all
citizens, especially children, to use information and communication
technologies (ICTs) in their daily lives with confidence.
It provided an
opportunity to present results of the new study on Status of Child Online
Protection in South Eastern Europe as well as highlight revised Global
Guidelines on Child Online Protection for Children, Parents and
Educators, Industry and Policy Makers officially released on 24
June 2020. It also provided an opportunity for interventions by some of
countries that had been working with the ITU on COP recently as well as those
that committed to roll out the COP Guidelines at the national level, including
Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova. The webinar benefited from the intervention of the UNICEF regional office for Europe and Central Asia as well as European Commission.
- Ms. Afshan Khan, Regional Director, UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central
- Ms. June Lowery-Kingston, Head of Unit, DG CONNECT, Accessibility,
Multilingualism, Safer Internet, European Commission, Presentation
Status of Child Online Protection in Europe Presentation
- Mr Jaroslaw Ponder, Head of the ITU Office for Europe
- Mr Boris Radanovic, ITU Consultant
- Mr David Wright, Director of the UK Safer Internet Centre at SWGfL, UK
ITU Global Child Online Protection Guidelines Presentation
- Carla Licciardello, Child Online Protection Focal Point of the International Telecommunication Union, ITU
Towards Strengthened Action on COP
Moderation: Mr Jaroslaw Ponder, Head of the ITU Office for Europe
- Albania: Vilma Tomco, National Authority for electronic certification and cyber security, Presentation
- Lithuania: Inga Rimkeviciene, Head of International and Public Relations Division, Strategy Department, Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania, Presentation
- Moldova: Veronica Duda, Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure of the Republic of Moldova, MEI, Presentation
- Poland: Mr Łukasz Kiwicz, Chief Expert in the Department of Consumer Policy, Office of Electronic Coomunication of the Republic of Poland
- Ukraine: Anastasiya Dzyakava, Adviser on Human Online Safety at Vice-Prime-Minister - Minister for Digital Transformation of Ukraine
Conclusion and Way Forward