The 3rd Annual Baltic Sea Region 5G Ecosystem Forum “5G Techritory" – one of the leading 5G events worldwide was held remotely from 11 to 12 November 2020.
Within the framework of the ITU European Regional Initiative on Broadband Infrastructure, broadcasting and spectrum management, adopted by the World Telecommunication Development Conference 2017 (WTDC-17), Buenos Aires, the Forum was organized by the Electronic Communication Office of Latvia in close cooperation with the International Telecommunication Union and will be supported by several industry-leading organizations.
The main objective of the Forum was to team up for coordinated action to continue the development of the above-mentioned platform in order to establish the Baltic Sea Region as a role model for building the European Gigabit society.
The Forum included high-level business and political debates, and practical business case studies by top-level 5G policymakers, heads of major industry organisations, business leaders, and other high-value stakeholders on the latest progress in 5G global commercialization, its related innovative business models, and potential 5G cross-border projects. A focus was placed on smart mobility, smart city, smart media and entertainment, and Industry 4.0 verticals.
5G Techritory expected to bring together up to 1000 senior attendees and around 70 senior speakers world-wide including global and regional business leaders, European leading policymakers and government officials, heads of international organizations, investors, business developers, industry experts, content providers, innovation promoters, start-ups, academic and media representatives.