ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

4th Meeting of the ITU Centres of Excellence (CoE) Steering Committee for Europe

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The 4th Centres of Excellence Steering Committee meeting for Europe Region was held online on Friday, 9 October, 13:00 – 16:00. The meeting was organized by ITU and its organization was supported by RRT, Lithuania.
This was the fourth Steering Committee Meeting of the new CoE network cycle which started in January 2019 and will last until December 2022. The main objective of the Steering Committees is to govern and provide oversight to the CoE network functioning and operations. The meeting provided CoEs the opportunity to present and discuss their activities, exchange experience, learn from each other and strengthen collaboration.
A key outcome of the meeting was the agreed draft training catalogue for the CoE network in the region for the upcoming year. 

According to the Governance structure outlined in the document “Operational Processes and Procedures for the CoE Network 2018" (available on the ITU Academy website), Steering Committees are composed of the Centers of Excellence, Member States hosting a CoE and ITU, who are expected to attend the meetings. Other participants from the broader ITU membership are welcome to attend as observers.

Additional information on the Centres of Excellence programme can be found at ITU Academy Portal.

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