ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

The UN’s “Age of Digital Interdependence”

brussels.jpgISC, in cooperation with UN International Telecommunication Union, will organize a seminar on entitled “The UN’s “Age of Digital Interdependence” Report and opportunities for alignment with the EU’s Horizon Europe research programme and the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI)” The seminar will take place in Brussels on 26th September 2019 within the context of the EU’s Research and Innovation Days on 24th – 26th September 2019.

The UN High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation was convened by the UN Secretary-General to advance global multi-stakeholder dialogue on how we can work better together to realize the potential of digital technologies for advancing human well-being while mitigating the risks. In its report, “The Age of Digital Interdependence”, presented to UN Secretary-General António Guterres, a 20-person Panel co-chaired by Melinda Gates and Jack Ma calls for greater cooperation to make sure that the benefits of digital technology reach all of humanity while addressing a range of pressing associated challenges. The report makes 5 sets of recommendations:

  • Build an inclusive digital economy and society
  • ​Develop human and institutional capacity
  • Protect human rights and human agency
  • Promote digital trust, security and stability
  • Foster global digital cooperation
The report describes a world more deeply interconnected than ever before as a result of digital technology, yet struggling to manage the economic, social, cultural and political impacts of the digital transformation. The report makes a strong call for reinvigorating multilateral cooperation, arguing that it needs to be complemented by a multi-stakeholder approach — involving a far more diverse spectrum of stakeholders, such as civil society, academics, technologists, and the private sector.

The European Union's Horizon Europe programme and the NDICI programme both pay particular attention to the United Nations sustainable development goals and recognise the enormous potential science and technology has to attaining the SDGs, and the potential for addressing global challenges at global level through global collaborations, for example in the area of health, artificial intelligence and data accessibility.​

  • ​15h00 Declan Kirrane, ISC: Introduction
  • 15h05 Sofie Maddens, Head, Regulatory and Market Environment Division; Telecommunication Development      Bureau (BDT) ITU and Mei Lin Fung, People Centered Internet: Scene Setting
  • 15h15 Lora Borissova, Head of Cabinet, Commissioner Mariya Gabriel: Digital Economy and Society
  • 15h30 Vinton Cerf, “Father of the Internet” (by Skype) 
  • 15h40 Kate Wilson, ITU Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL) (SDG Digital Investment Framework)
  • 15h55 Kemal Huseinovic, ITU: ITU Digital Transformation Agenda
  • 16h15 Sofie Maddens, ITU: Collaborative Regulation for Digital Transformation highlighting the specific example of Digital Financial Services and Digital Financial Inclusion
  • 16h30 Declan Kirrane ISC: ITU contribution to the SDGs: Horizon Europe, NDICI:
  • 16h45 Roundtable discussion
  • 17h00 Networking reception