09:00 - 10:00 | Session 5: Accessibility in Education
Focus: Examples of ICT accessibility projects in learning and education; accessible books and accessible publishing.
Moderator -
Ms. Inmaculada Placencia-Porrero, Senior Expert, Disability and Inclusion Unit, DG for Employment, Social Affairs, and Inclusion, European Commission, Bio
Setting the Context - Mr. Ricardo Garcia, ITU Consultant, ITU, Presentatioin, Bio
Mr. David Zanoletty, Chief of Accessible Technology Department, Fundación ONCE, Presentation, Bio
Mr. Svatoslav Ondra, Professor, Masaryk University, Presentation, Bio
Ms. Cristina Mussinelli, President, Fondazione LIA, Presentation, Bio
- Ms. Sharon Borg, Bio & Ms. May Agius, Bio, Senior Assistive Technology Consultants, Access to Communication and Technology Unit (ACTU), Aġenzija Sapport, Malta, Presentation
Presentations and interactive discussion |
10:00 - 11:00 | Session 6: Advancing Implementation of Web Accessibility Across Europe
Focus: Practical examples from Governments and Private sector in providing accessible websites. Stock taking, best practices and challenges.
Moderator -
Mrs. Roxana Widmer-Iliescu, Senior Programme Officer, Digital Inclusion Division for Telecommunication, ITU, Presentation, Bio
Panelists -
Ms. Gudrun Stock, Deputy Head of Unit, Accessibility, Multilingualism, and Safer Internet, European Commission, Presentation, Bio
Mr. Shadi Abou-Zahra, Accessibility Strategy and Technology Specialist, Web Accessibility Initiative, World Wide Web Consortium, Presentation, Bio
Mr. Joseph Seychell, Manager – ICT and Technologies, Malta Communications Authority, Presentation, Bio
Mr. Stein Erik Skotkjerra, Head of Accessibility Relations, Siteimprove, Presentation, Bio
- Mr. Ricardo Garcia, ITU Consultant, ITU, Presentation
Presentations and interactive discussion |
11:30 - 12:30 | Session 7: Future of Accessible Audiovisual media services, TV and video programming
Focus: Broadcasters, Content producers; Emerging technologies; Consumers perspective; Implementation in Europe.
Moderator -
Mr. David Wood, Co-Chair IRG-AVA - Intersector Rapporteur Group Audiovisual Media Accessibility, ITU, Presentation, Bio
Background & Setting the Context
Panelists -
Mr. Andy Quested, Chair ITU-R Working Party 6C, BBC, Presentation, Bio
Mr. Gion Linder, Head of SWISS TXT AG & Chairman of the EBU Access Services Experts, EBU, Presentation, Bio
- Dr. Bernard Busuttil, Director – Investigations, Compliance & Enforcement, Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD), Malta, Presentation, Bio
Ms. Pilar Orero, Professor, University of Barcelona, Presentation, Bio
Presentations and interactive discussion |
13:30 - 14:30 | Session 8: Universal Design, Procurement and Standards
Focus: National strategies on universal design regulation and use cases on procurement; use of standards in this context.
Moderator -
Mr. Simao Campos, Counsellor, ITU-T SG16, ITU, Presentation, Bio
Background & Setting Context
Panelists -
Mr. Roberto Scano, UNINFO ICT Accessibility Expert, Presentation, Bio
Ms. Mia Ahlgren, Policy Officer, Swedish Disabilities Rights Federation, Presentation, Bio
Mr. Joel Snyder, Director of Audio Description Project, American Council of the Blind, Presentation, Bio
Presentations and interactive discussion |
14:30 - 15:30 | Session 9: Telecom relay services: Practical experiences, challenges and opportunities in Europe
Focus: Telecommunications relay services are essential telecom services that enable persons who have hearing or speech disabilities and who otherwise would be unable to engage in voice telecommunications, to make voice telephone calls to other persons, using four common types of relay services: text relay; video relay; captioned telephone service relay; and speech-to-speech relay.
Moderator -
Ms. Andrea Saks, JCA-AHF Chairman, ITU, Presentation, Bio
Background & Setting Context
Panelists -
Mrs. Therese Hourigan, End-User Working Group Co-Chair, BEREC, Presentation, Bio
Mr. Masahito Kawamori, ITU-T Q26/16 Rapporteur, Keio University, Presentation, Bio
Mr. Mark Wheatley, President, European Union of the Deaf, Presentation, Bio
- Mr. Michael Debattista, 112mt app Focus Group, Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD), Malta, Presentation, Bio
Presentations and interactive discussion |
16:00 - 17:00 | Session 10: Knowledge Development for ICT Accessibility
Focus: Participants will be offered a high-level recap session taking stock of the key topics and relevant discussion points of the conference. The session will facilitate the preparation of those participants wishing to take the test for Certification to be held the following day.
Coordinator -
Mrs. Roxana Widmer-Iliescu, Senior Programme Officer, Digital Inclusion Division for Telecommunication, ITU, Presentation, Bio
17:00 - 18:00
| Session 11: Partnership for Accessible Europe
Focus: Existing and new partnerships to address current gaps and challenges in making Europe more accessible; Identification of concrete regional, sub-regional and national projects advancing implementation of the ITU Regional Initiative; Setting up of Twinning Programmes; Discussion on other actions planned or proposed for 2020-2022. This session will set the framework for discussing new partnerships in the Project Laboratory to be held the following day.
Moderator -
Mr. Jaroslaw Ponder, Head of Regional Office for Europe, ITU, Bio
Panelists -
Mr. Nawar Alawa, Regional Advisor on Technology, ESCWA, Presentation, Bio
Mr. Michael Fembek, Director, Zero project, Presentation, Bio
Ms. Francesca Cesa Bianchi, Vice President for Institutional Relations, G3ict, Presentation, Bio
Ms. Sabine Lobnig, Deputy Director of Communications & Regulations, Mobile & Wireless Forum, Presentation, Bio
- Mr. Jorge Fernandes, Head of ACCESS Unit, Department for the Information Society, Presentation