9:00 - 11:00 | Session 5: Spectrum Issues Related to 5G This session will focus on spectrum related issues as well as preparatory process towards WRC-19 and 5G, broadcasting issues and 5G, 5G spectrum Setting the Context and Moderation: Mr David Botha, Counsellor for ITU-R Study Group 3 (SGD/SG3), Radiocommunication Bureau, ITU, Bio, Presentation Panelists: - Mr. Branimir Stantchev, Head of Sector, Spectrum for Wireless Broadband, European Commission |“The EU-level 5G spectrum roadmap", Bio, Presentation
- Dr. Vassilis Milas, Vice Chairman ECC PT1, CEPT / Spectrum Management Department EETT | “Spectrum Bands for 5G: Current status of technical work in ECC PT1 and EETT", Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Didier Chauveau, Deputy Director, National Agency for Frequency Management, France | “Making spectrum available for 5G : feedback from France", Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Thomas Kalamaris, ESOA, Presentation
- Mr. Mike Nugent, Head of TV Department at ERT, Representative of EBU, Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Laurent Bodusseau, Senior Director, GSMA, Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Ulrich Rehfuess, Chair of Spectrum Working Group, DIGITALEUROPE | “5G Spectrum Policy Recommendations", Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Pavel Mamchenkov, Megafon, Russia, Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Thomas Krenz, Product Manager, Responsible for Spectrum Monitoring Systems, Rohde-Schwarz, Germany, Bio, Presentation
11:30 - 13:00 | Session 6: Challenges and Opportunities in the Telecom Sector Implementing 5G Moderation: Mr. Jaroslaw Ponder, Head of ITU Office for Europe, ITU, Presentation Panelists: - Mr. Luc Hindryckx, Director General, ECTA - European Competitive Telecommunications Association, Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Antonio Amendola, Executive Director, EMEA Regulatory Affairs AT&T | “Fostering a Positive Policy Environment to Support Investment and Innovation", Bio
- Mr George Onopas, Access Network Director Fixed and Mobile, OTE GROUP, Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Nikolaos Plevris, Head of Transmission & Transport Engineering , VODAFONE GROUP, Bio
- Mr. Antonis Tzortzakakis, Chief Strategy Officer, Wind, Bio, Presentation
14:00 - 15:15 | Session 7: 5G for Smart Cities Moderation: Mr Vladimir Daigele, Programme Officer, Information and Communication Infrastructure and Technology Development Division, ITU Panelists: - Mr. Ioannis Ch. Saridakis, Head of Chemical Department, National Standardization Organization, Greece | «Performance indicators of sustainable and smart cities - National Framework for Reporting», Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Paolo Gemma, Chairman of WP2/5 Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 5 and Senior Specialist Energy & Infrastructure, Huawei, Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Leonidas Anthopoulos, Smart City of Tricala, Greece, Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Risto Jurva, Center for Wireless Communications (CWC), University of Oulu & City of Oulou, Finland, Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Mariano Lamarca i Lorente, Smart Cities, Standardization and Infrastructures Manager, Knowledge Information and Digital Transformation Area, Information Technology Council Institute, Barcelona City Council, Spain, Bio, Presentation
- Jannis Nassoulis, IBI Group, Bio, Presentation
15:30 - 16:30 | Session 8: 5G for Connected and Automated Vehicles Moderation: Dr. Angelos Amditis, Director of i-Sense Group, ICCS, NTUA, Greece, Bio Panelists: - Ms. Nadia Katsanou, Senior Advisor to the General Secretary of Telecommunications and Post, Minister of Digital Policy, Telecommunications and Media, Greece | “5G Balkan Corridor (Bulgaria – Greece - Serbia)", Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Maxime Flament , Chief Technology Officer, 5GAA | “5G deployment for V2X and CAD: it starts today to be ready tomorrow!", Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Jim Beveridge, Senior Advisor on Connectivity, ERTICO – ITS Europe, Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Ilkka Kotilainen, Finnish Transport Agency, Coordinator of Project The "Nordic Way" between Sweden, Finland and Norway*, Bio, Presentation
- Mr. Joost Vantomme, Smart Mobility Director at ACEA (European Automobile Manufacturers Association) (Remote Intervention) Bio, Presentation
- Dr. Evangelos Mitsakis, Senior Transport Engineer, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) / Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT) | “Expected impacts of 5G on connected, cooperative and automated transport systems", Bio, Presentation
16:30 - 17:45 | Session 9: Fostering 5G Innovation Ecosystem Moderation: Ms. Nadia Katsanou, Senior Advisor to the General Secretary of Telecommunications and Post, Minister of Digital Policy, Telecommunications and Media, Greece Panelists: - Mr. Achilleas Kemos, Programme Officer, Future Connectivity Systems, European Commission, Bio
- Dr. Angeliki Alexiou, Associate Professor, Department of Digital Systems, ICT School, University of Piraeus, Greece, Member of Steering Board, World Wireless Research Forum |"Trends and Challenges in Wireless Innovation for 5G and Beyond", Bio, Presentation
- Dr. Tasos Kourtis, Research Director, Acting Vice Director, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications of NCSR “Demokritos", Bio, Presentation
- Dr. Christoforos Kachris, ICCS-NTUA | “Acceleration of emerging telecom applications using FPGAs in the cloud", Bio, Presentation
- Ms. Maria Boura, Director, Government and Industry Relations and Innovation, Ericsson Hellas | “5G as Innovation Catalyst", Bio, Presentation