ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Regional Initiative Approved by WTDC-10: Groundwork for the Setting-up and Holding of Electronic Meetings


The objective of the regional initiative was aimed at establishment of the videoconference network, through the ITU Area Office for the CIS countries, to ensure the broadest participation of CIS country representatives in events held within the framework of ITU activities.

  • Establishment of a network, through the ITU Area Office, for the holding of electronic meetings (videoconferences) between administrations of the Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications (RCC), as a trial area for the holding of such meetings
  • Development of recommendations to be used as the basis for studying, within the context of the trial area, all of the issues involved in the holding of such meetings in the RCC member countries
  • Putting the experience acquired into use of the context of official ITU meetings, thereby considerably boosting the number of participants and their ability to make an active contribution, while reducing the financial burden on administrations and Sector Members


Under the CIS regional initiation approved by the 2010 World Telecommunication Development Conference, the project of CIS Video Conference System (VCS) was implemented in 2012-2013, aimed at facilitating, through use of VCS, dialogue and coordination at the highest level of decision-makers in the CIS countries and coordination of policy and actions for governance, productivity and development. Within the framework of the project, one multipoint control unit was installed in the ITU Area Office for CIS and 4 endpoints of the videoconferencing systems were installed in the communication administrations of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Moldova, Kyrgyz Republic, and the Russian Federation in 2012. The systems were interconnected to allow and facilitate a dialogue between CIS countries at the highest level and coordination of this dialogue from the ITU Area Office for the CIS.

One more endpoint of the VCS was created in the Communication Administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2013.

Creation of the video conference system, which enabled remote participation of ICT specialists of the CIS countries in the ITU regional events held in the ITU Area Office premises, significantly increased the number of the participants and allowed to reduce travel costs relating to the events.

Two additional endpoints of the VCS were created in the most active ICT universities of the CIS region in 2015: the Alexander Popov Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications, Ukraine, and Kazakh Academy of Infocommunications, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Some ITU regional events were held using VCS in 2013-2015:

ITU Regional Seminar for CIS “Strategic and Political Aspects of Humane Use of Telecommunications / ICT”, Odessa, Ukraine, 19-21 March 2014

Regional CoE Videoconference Workshop on Technological, Organizational and Regulatory Framework of the Building the Modern and Next Generation Telecommunication Networks, Odessa, Ukraine, 4 September 2014 ;

Regional ITU CoE Workshop for CIS on Infocommunications Development Prospects: Technologies and Regulatory Issues, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, 23-24 September 2014 ;

Videoconference Regional CoE Workshop for CIS on Modern Methods of Designing Next Generation Networks (NGN), Moscow, Russian Federation, 18 November 2014 ;

 Regional CoE Workshop for CIS on Creation of Access Networks in accordance with New ITU Standards, Moscow, Russian Federation, 19-20 November 2014 ;

 Regonal Workshop for CIS “Recommendations on Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) and Use of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) by Government Bodies”, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, 11-12 December 2014;

Regional Videoconference for CIS Dedicated to the Girls in ICT Day and ITU 150th Anniversary, Moscow, Russian Federataion, 23 April