09:30-10:00 |
Official opening ceremony
Konstantin Dukelskiy, Acting Rector, Bonch-Bruevich St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications,
Mr. Vladimir Arefiev, Deputy Head, Department of Public Services in Telecommunications,
Federal Communications Agency,
Mr. Kirill Oparin, Director, Regional Office for CIS,
Mr. Alexey Borodin,
Head, Rostelecom Representation in Geneva – Representative in ITU, Rostelecom,
10:00-11:00 |
Session 1:
International standardization of the Internet of Things, its applications and future networks
Moderator: Mr. Alexey Borodin,
Head, Rostelecom Representation in Geneva – Representative in ITU, Rostelecom,
Mr. Denis Andreev, Advisor of ITU-T SG11, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU: Overview of ITU-T standardization activities as of 2017
Mr. Nikita Utkin, Head, Corporate Development, Russian Venture Company, Chairman of TC194 «Cyber Physical Systems»,
Russia; Mr. Alexey Borodin,
Head, Rostelecom Representation in Geneva – Representative in ITU, Rostelecom,
Russia: Key areas of JTC1 ISO/IEC standardization. Experience of Rosstandart technical committees
Mr. Grigory Sizov, Head, Strategic Projects, VimpelCom,
Russia: Impact of international standards on local markets development. Provider experience
11:00-11:30 |
Coffee break |
11:30-12:30 |
Session 1:
International standardization of the Internet of Things, its applications and future networks (continued)
Mr. Martin Brand, Senior Specialist, A1 Telekom Austria, Rapporteur on Q9/11 and Q11/11 ITU-T SG11,
VoLTE/ViLTE interconnection. Common issues and the way forward
Mr. Sergey Puzankov, Head of Group, Positive Technologies,
Russia: Invisible threat in SS7 networks – attacks based on caller ID spoofing
Mr. Martin Brand, Senior Specialist, A1 Telekom Austria, Rapporteur on Q9/11 and Q11/11 ITU-T SG11,
Internet related performance measurements
Mr. Denis Andreev, Advisor of ITU-T SG11, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU: Overview of ITU-T standardization activities of 5G/IMT-2020
12:30-13:30 |
13:30-15:30 | Session 2:
Perspectives of implementing Internet of Things technologies in telecom networks in the region
Mr. Farid Nakhli, Programme Officer, Regional Office for CIS,
Viliam Saryan, Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of MIPT and MTUCI, Scientific Consultant FSUE NIIR,
Russia: Internet of Things technologies – strong catalyst for digital economy creation
Mr. Alexey Borodin,
Head, Rostelecom Representation in Geneva – Representative in ITU, Rostelecom,
Russia: Digital transformation of urban environment
Mr. Vladimir Karantaev, PhD, IEC Expert, Head of Direction, Infotecs,
Ensuring information security of digital substations as an element of IIoT
Mr. Vladimir Ivashko, PhD, Deputy Director on Research and Development, Giprosvjaz,
Belarus: Implementing smart building technologies as a means of reducing operational costs
Ms. Iryna Pokhabova, PhD, Associate Professor, Telecommunication Systems and Networks Department, State University of Telecommunications,
Ukraine: Implementation of IoT technologies on the basis of SDN networks
Mr. Alexander Savinov, Strategic Manager for Promotion of New Technologies, Cisco,
Russia: Improving quality of management of municipal resources, services and security through implementation of integrated digital platforms, combining information flows from different IoT device
15:30-16:00 | Coffee break
16:00-18:00 | Session 2:
Perspectives of implementing Internet of Things technologies in telecom networks in the region
Mr. Leonid Denisov, Strategic Accounts Manager in Russia, CIS and Eastern Europe, Cisco Jasper,
Real IoT business based on Jasper Cisco automation
Mr. Konstantin Marchenko, Deputy Director General, T8,
Russia: Global trends as implemented in the case of DWDM-platform "Volga"
Mr. Nikolai Storozhuk, PhD, Director General, Kometekh,
Russia: Some aspects of ensuring quality in Internet channels
Mr. Alexander Trubicyn, Head of Direction, Larteh Telecom,
Russia: LoRaWAN network in city and country scale: issues of implementation, operational experience and prospects
Mr. Sergey Zavyalov, Associate Professor, Institute of Physics, Nanotechnologies and Telecommunications, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University,
Russia: Ultra-wideband sensor network for industrial IoT
Mr. Farid Nakhli, Programme Officer, Regional Office for CIS,
ITU: Outcomes of the ITU regional workshop on smart cities and societies (1-2 June 2017, Samarkand, Uzbekistan)
20 June 2017, Tuesday |
09:30-11:00 |
Session 3: Future telecom networks development in the region
Moderator: Mr. Andrey Kucheryavy, Head of Department, Bonch-Bruevich St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, Chairman of the ITU-T SG11,
Mr. Andrey Kucheryavy, Head of Department, Bonch-Bruevich St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, Chairman of the ITU-T SG11,
Fifth generation networks as a basis for digital economy
Mr. Ruslan Kirichek, Head of the IoT Lab, Bonch-Bruevich St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, Chairman of the ITU-T SG11,
Flying sensor networks, Internet of Things, tactile Internet and perspective services on their basis
Mr. Alexander Grebeshkov, Ms. Yuliya Gaidamaka, Ms. Olga Vihrova, Ms. Elvira Zaripova, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics,
Research on intersystem switch for vertical handover in heterogeneous wireless networks
Mr. Konstantin Lyzhynkin, Deputy Director, FSUE ZNIIS Branch LONIIS,
Quality of service aspects of multimedia traffic generated by the IoT devices
11:00-11:30 | Coffee break |
11:30-12:30 |
Session 3: Future telecom networks development in the region (continued)
12:30-14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00-15:00 |
Round table
Mr. Denis Andreev, Advisor of ITU-T SG11, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU
Issues to be discussed:
Determine key directions of industry development in the region in context of implementation of future networks, including IoT
Determine key directions of international standardization (including ITU-T SG11 and SG20) in the area of future networks and IoT, which are of Region’s interest and require attention of ITU-T Regional Groups
Determine potential companies interested in promoting Region’s interest within ITU-T standardization activities
Determine demand to hold future courses and workshop on future networks and IoT
15:00-15:15 | Approval of the workshop
outcome document |