ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Capacity Development in Asia and the Pacific

​​​​​​​Capacity Development ASP Banner.png​​​​​The Capacity Development programme aims at achieving a digitally competent society where all people use knowledge and skills on digital technologies to improve their livelihoods. This is realized by developing capacities of ICT professionals, boosting digital literacy and skills of citizens, and developing knowledge resources. Read more​

ITU Academy Training Centres

ITU ATC.pngIn 2023, the Centres of Excellence programme was replaced by the ITU Academy Training Centres (ATCs) programme, following the outcomes of the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC) 2022 where the ITU membership adopted the revised Resolution 73. Information on the new programme is provided here

List of ITU Academy Training Centres

More Information of ITU Centre of Excellence for Asia and the Pacific (2018-2022​) ​​​

Digital Transformation Centres in Asia and the Pacific

DTC logoThe Digital Transformation Centres (DTC) Initiative was launched in September 2019 by ITU in partnership with Cisco with the objective of supporting countries to strengthen digital capacities of citizens, particularly in the underserved communities. The selected DTCs become part of a global network of institutions to accelerate the uptake of digital technologies among citizens and boost the capacity of young entrepreneurs and SMEs to succeed in the digital economy.​ More Information on Digital Transformation Centres

News and Updates

ITU Regional and National Training


The ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific collaborates with Administrations, regional organisations, sector members academia and associate members to organise regional and national trainings.

List of Event and Ac​tivities in Asia a​nd the Pacific

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ITU Academy



he ITU Academy is the main online gateway to ITU’s capacity development activities. It brings together under one umbrella a wide range of training activities and knowledge resources in the field of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and digital development. The primary objective of the ITU Academy is to harmonize and integrate all ITU capacity development products and services​​

More information on ITU Academy

Link to ITU Academy full catalogue of courses