ITU's 160 anniversary

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Smart Village Pakistan Project-Official Launch of Gokina Smart Village

​Launch event

The official launch of Smart Village Gokina is planned on 22 February, 2023 at the Marriott Hotel, Islamabad, Pakistan.The launch event aims:

  1. ​​To share the concept and experience of Smart Village Pakistan in general and Smart Village Gokina in particular, and solicit views of stakeholders in strengthening the programme;
  2. To present the community feedback and perception of currently launched digital services in Gokina with stories of impact;
  3. To invite partnerships for Smart Village Pakistan program that would accelerate the digital transformation of the rural communities;

​Target audience

  1. Government Sector and Policy makers 
  2. ICT and Telecoom industry stakeholders 
  3. UN Resident Coordinator Office, UN agencies, development organizations 
  4. Academia and research institutions
  5. Non-governmental and civil society organizations
  6. Others

Smart Village Pakistan – Introduction

​Smart Village Pakistan aims to digitally transform remote and rural communities by connecting them and empowering the citizens with better access to a range of digital services that can meaningfully improve their wellbeing and livelihoods in accordance with the government's vision of Digital Pakistan. In 2021, the Government has launched a Smart Village Pakistan Project together with ITU and Huawei. 

Key development challenges in rural areas of Pakistan

​​Some of the key development challenges experienced by Pakistan in rural areas relate to access to healthcare, access to employment and income generation activities, access to education, digital literacy and gender . Moreover In addition to planned and inclusive urbanization, there is a dire need to improve availability and quality of SDG-related services in rural areas, including digital services that could serve as a key enabler for economic growth by accelerating rural development, supporting rural economy, contributing to human capital formation, and strengthening the overall resilience and sustainability as well as reversing or mitigating unnecessary urban migration. Thus, undertaking sustainable measures to digitally transform remote and rural communities have become need of the hour to bridge this ICT rural-urban divide as well as coping with the dire and ever-growing need of digital transformation induced by the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Transformation of villages into Smart Villages is expected to bring about a positive change in quality of life among people and accelerate their achievement of inclusive sustainable development (Figure 1) by providing them with connectivity and digital technology - enabled services. The initiative is designed with a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach in mind, so that the connectivity and platforms developed through the programmes can be used by various socioeconomic sectors, such as education, health, agriculture and business. They also capitalize on partnerships and collaboration with private sector companies, academia and civil society, while promoting UN and donor coordination. Figure 2 describes the Problem and Solutions Tree approach for Smart Villages, while Figure 3 describes the implementation process.

Draft Agenda

​February 22 (Wednesday), 2023​ 

11:30am-12:15 pm

Welcome remarks.​

  • Ms Atsuko Okuda, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
  • Mr Haaris Mahmood- CEO USF
  • Huawei

​​​Opening remarks​

  • Minister of IT& Telecom
12:15-12:30 pm Virtual/Live broadcast of e-Health clinic and e-learning classroom from Gokina
12:30-12:45 pm

Smart Village Gokina- Brief Overview- ITU (Project Coordinator)

Gender Mainstreaming in Gokina Pilot- ITU (Gender Expert)

12:45-1:25 pm

Briefing on E-learning- Teletaleem

Briefing on e-Health Clinic- Sehat Kahani

Briefing on Digital Skills- Jazz & Virtual University

1:25-1:40 pmCommunity Views- Representatives from the Community
1:40-2:00 pmWay forward and Q&As
 Closing and Refreshments