ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Session 8: Partner2Connect: New pledge announcement (Industry)


Session Information

Session 8:  Partner2Connect: New pledge announcement (Industry)

Date & time​

14 September 2023 at 15:00-16:00 Bangkok time (GMT+7) 60 minutes

Introduction & Background
This session will elaborate on the overview of the pledges from industry have been s​ubmitted so far to the P2C platform in and for the Asia and the Pacific Region,  encourage more private sectors to make the pledge and join P2C Dialogue, and  explore the pledges at 
Industry plays an important role in providing and using digital technologies to enhance their businesses which can also contribute to sustainable development. This could be in various fronts and levels including investments and business operations in building and upgrading digital infrastructure, technology advancement and innovation; digital skills development, job creation and growth. The P2C initiative is an ideal platform to converge company profitability and commitment to SDGs.

Provisional Agenda




Session Moderator:

Mr. Puji Pujiono, Senior UN Coordinator Specialist, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific 

Introductory Remark by moderator

   Presentation on “Challenges and opportunities in promoting connectivity and     digital transformation in developing countries” 

Interventions by Speakers/Panellists

  • Speaker 1: Mr. Choo Kah Kin, ZTE​
  • Speaker 2:  Mr. Philip Victor, Partner and Managing Director, APAC, Welchman Keen​ (Presentation)
  • Speaker 3: Mr Shaharyar Jawaid, Islamic Development Bank in Bangkok
  • Speaker 4:  TBC
Q&A Session
Closing statement by moderator​