ITU's 160 anniversary

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Digital Agriculture Solutions Forum



FAO and ITU organized the Asia and Pacific Digital Agriculture Solutions Forum 2023 in Thailand from 27-28 September 2023 at Hotel Berkeley, Bangkok, Thailand. 

Significant advances have occurred in the last three years propelled under the impetus of COVID-19 pandemic and the reinvigorated attention and interest in everything digital. Digital agriculture did not escape such accelerated march towards digital economy, digital innovations within the agrifood systems and rural transformation necessitated by the urgent needs to achieve the Strategic Development Goals. 

Agrifood systems have been battered and challenged to a great extent by the effects of the pandemic and its consequences following by a cascade of crises including the Russian war on Ukraine, and the consequences impacts on global economy, energy and food markets and the increasing challenge of rising interest rates on the global economy, agrifood sector, food security, malnutrition, and poverty. The United Nations Food Systems Summit was an important global milestone aimed to address these challenges and include countries to renew their commitments to a fundamental transformation of the agrifood systems and reestablish the progress towards achieving the Strategic Development Goals under the Agenda 2030.

Against this background, countries across the board turned their attention to the promise of digitalization to help achieve the development goals and tackle efficiently and fast the cumulative challenges mentioned above.
In Asia and the Pacific, the impetus toward greater investments in innovation and digitalization is growing by the day and the current digital landscape is vastly different than what it was just 5 years ago. Most countries have established ambitious national digital strategies and set out to support private digital innovations and promote digital ecosystems to foster greater digitalization and to overcome the many constraints and challenges facing the translation of national ambition into practical implementation on the ground. Certainly, many in the region have made significant strides in expanding mobile internet coverage and the use of mobile phones and smart technologies has expanded hugely among the population in most countries making access, use and deployment of digital services, solutions and innovations both feasible and economically accessible.

Since the last Asia-Pacific Digital Agriculture Solutions Forum 2020, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) launched a flagship program – 1000 Digital Village Initiative to scale up its engagement, support of digital agriculture among Member States. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has also continued its support to countries through its whole-of Government approach to developing smart villages and smart Islands. Likewise, many developments have also gained much experience through their specialized initiatives, including the UNCDF initiatives around digital finance inclusion and IFI focus on supporting the enabling environment for advancing digitalization of agri-food value chains and facilitate the agri-tech startup ecosystems and enabling conditions.

The Asia-Pacific Digital Agriculture Forum 2023 brought together all these advances, experiences and help facilitate knowledge exchange among Member states, private actors, development partners, NGOs and other stakeholders. The Forum explored these key issues and will help members to identify, develop and sustain digital solutions for agriculture.  This year DASF 2023 had the following thematic focus “From solutions to ecosystem development: “Scaling up promising digital innovations and lowering barriers to deployment and to persistent digital divide”.

The two-day event, co-hosted by FAO and ITU and co-sponsored by strategic partners took place physically in Bangkok, Thailand from September 27 and 28 and was also  shared virtually with participants from all over the world.

Jongjin Kim
Assistant Director General and Regional Representative to Asia and the Pacific, FAO 
Atsuko Okuda,
Regional Director, I​​TU Regional Office for Asia-Pacific

Notachard Chintakanond, Executive Director, International Affairs Bureau, Office of NBTC, Thailand


The event brought together:
    • Government officials from several countries in the region at the level of Directors and Directors-General of relevant Ministries, Departments and Divisions
    • Agri-tech company founders, leaders, and managers 
    • Successful young entrepreneurs
    • Representatives of NGOs, communities, local authorities, and field agents
    • Representatives of development agencies based in Thailand, the Asia-Pacific region and elsewhere
    • Infrastructure and service providers from sectors critical for e-agriculture (Telecom, IT, Banking, Insurance, Governance etc.)
    • Farmer and Fisher organizations, cooperatives, associations and CSOs working in rural areas 
    • International, regional, national organizations working in agriculture and rural development
    • Agriculture research institutes/ academia
The event was held in hybrid mode. ​

The Event Theme

The event themes included:
    • Latest examples o​f successful digital innovations, solutions with proven record of problem-solving, high impacts, with demonstrable benefits and high scalability potential
    • Innovative digital initiatives by governments, public-private partners, multi-stakeholder partnerships and private actors enabling and supporting digital ecosystem development by agri-tech startups, entrepreneurs including young men and women. 
    • Examples of successful and promising digital villages and smart village pilots and lessons optimal conditions for accelerate rural digitalization that is inclusive, accessible, affordable, and sustainable.
    • Exchange, discuss and deliberate on constraints and ways to overcome barriers to digitalization and to lower digital divide for women, youth, small scale producers and marginal groups. 
    • Successful investment initiatives and opportunities in agrifood and rural enterprises to scale up, expand and deploy inclusive and promising digital services, including digital finance and other affordable critical digital services. 


SESSION 1. Opening and Senior Officials Panel – Accelerating Agrifood and Rural Digitalization: from Ambition to Action

Opening session 
Opening remarks from FAO Assistant Director General and Regional Representative to Asia and the Pacific, Jongjin Kim
Opening remarks from I​​TU Regional Director for Asia-Pacific, Atsuko Okuda
Welcome remarks from the FAO Chief Economist, Torero Maximo
Opening remarks from  Executive Director, International Affairs Bureau, Office of NBTC, Thailand, Notachard Chintakanond

Senior Officials Panel Discussion
Theme: Accelerating Agrifood and Rural Digitalization: from Ambition to Action

Moderator: Robert Simpson, Special Advisor to Assistant-Director General, FAO RAP
Mao Neang, Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, Cambodia
Wang Yaozong, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China [presentation]
Waqas Rashid, Additional Secretary Planning, Government of Punjab Agriculture Department, Pakistan [presentation​]
Roby Darmawan, Director of the Center of Data and Information System (CADIS), Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia [Virtual] [presentation​]
​SESSION 2. Digital Agriculture Solutions: Success stories of Agritech applications, models, and platforms from Asia in support of agrifood transformation

Moderator: Aziz Elbehri, Senior Economist, FAO RAP

Digital green foundation; Krishnan Pallassana, Managing Director India, lead South Asia [presentation]
inFarmer – Water and crop management; Naveed Alam, CEO 
Bioinformatics-based product design for green and sustainable agriculture, Alisa Vangnai, BIOM founder [presentation]
Smart livestock management: Livestock digital care solutions in Korea; Kwang Myung Jeon, CEO of Intflow Inc. [presentation​]
​SESSION 3. Fostering digital agriculture ecosystems: Successful initiatives for promoting agritech startups, SMEs and social enterprises​

Moderator: Ashish Narayan, Programme C​oordinator, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

Innovation Valley Initiative, Kwon Taehoon, Deputy director of Smart Agriculture Policy Division, MAFRA, Republic of Korea [presentation]
Digitalization and rural revitalization in China, Longbao Wei, Director, Institute of Food and Agribusiness Management, Zhejiang University [presentation]
WE4F Programme, Radtasiri Wachirapunyanont, Regional Innovation Hub Manager, Thailand [presentation]
ICRISAT Innovation Hub; Srikanth Rupavatharam, Head, Innovations Hub, I​CRISAT [presentation​]
SESSION 4. FAO Digital Village initiative Knowledge Portal Demonstration of new Dashboard and examples of digital villages and digital innovations in Asia

Pre-launch of FAO Digital Village Initiative Knowledge Platform and Dashboard
Presentation by Aziz Elbehri, Digital Village Initiative Lead Coordinator, FAO

Context: Introduction to FAO 1000 Digital Village Initiative in Asia-Pacific Short tutorial presentation of the DVI Knowledge Platform and Dashboard

Examples of digital solutions, digital initiatives, and digital villages

Pakistan: Promoting last mile digital services in villages; A​jmal Anwar Awan, Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication, Pakistan [presentation]
Thailand: Testing piloting smart technologies in farm and rural communities; Preesan Rakwatin, Deputy Director, Digital Economy Promotion Agency [presentation]
China: Digitalization deep reach in villages as part of China’s rural revitalization strategy; Wang Yaozong, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China [presentation]
Viet Nam: Designing commune (village)-level digitalization strategies as implementation of Viet Nam Agriculture 4.0; Tha Tu Trang IPSARD [presentation]
Digital solutions: the experience of mPower Social Enterprise; Mridul Chowdhury, CEO [presentation​]
Q&A – discussion

​SESSION 5. Digitalization in The Pacific: Towards building smart islands and smart villages and towns
Moderator: Ajmal Anwar Awan, Ministry of IT and Telecom, Pakistan

Strategic approach to digitalization of agriculture value chains in Papua New Guinea, Kanagat Alyshbaev, ITU [presentation]
Narrowing the gender divide in digital agrifood systems in the Pacific; Joseph Nyemah, FAO, Samoa [virtual] [presentation]
Smart Islands driving agriculture in remote island of Vanuatu; John Jack, Deputy CI​O, OGCIO (Vanuatu) [virtual] [presentation]
IFAD programme in Fiji; Tamara Nicodeme, Regional Coordinator, Pacific Islands, IFAD [presentation​]

​SESSION 6. Youth entrepreneurship and the agritech startup ecosystem: Successful stories from young startup founders in Asia

Moderator: Eva GalvezNogales, Agribusiness/Value Chains Officer, FAO

Deshifarmer (Bangladesh); Sumaiyah Mousinin, co-founder [presentation]
Celefish (China); Jie SHEN, CEO [presentation]
Farmdar (Pakistan); Muhammad Bukhari, Co-founder [presentation]
Aruna (Indonesia); Utari Octavianty, Co-founder [presentation]
EasyRice Digital Technology (Thailand), Phuvin Kongsawat, CEO/co-founder [presentation​]

SESSION 7. Scaling up successful digital innovations: Examples of successful models in partnerships in digital agriculture and inclusive digital finance

SESSION 7. Scaling up successful digital innovations: Examples of successful models in partnerships in digital agriculture and inclusive digital finance

Moderator: Aziz Elbehri, Senior Economist, FAO RAP

Initiatives of digital finance from India, Nepal, PNG; Maria Perdomo, Regional Coordinator, Asia a​nd the Pacific, UNCDF [presentation​]
Gender-focused microenterprise financing initiatives in India; Alreena Renita Pinto and Amit Arora, World Bank [presentation​]
“What’s next after digital financial inclusion?”, Tim Scheffmann, CEO LTS Ventures, LAO PDR [presentation​]
​​CropIn: Building partnerships in digital innovations services; Kunal Prasad, Co-founder and COO, CropIn​ [presentation]​

Closing Session

Workshop summary

Closing remarks