ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Annual ITU-MIIT Seminar 2021


International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) of People’s Republic of China have been jointly organizing annual events on ICT Policy and regulatory issues for around 20 years now.

The event brings together senior level officials and management from within china and invited experts from outside to discuss and share knowledge around emerging ICT issues and challenges.

This year the event is being planned in hybrid mode with physical participants in Shenzhen, China. The theme of this year’s event is “Digital Connecting World: Past, Present and Future”

This year China is commemorating the 50th year anniversary of the restoration of status of People’s Republic of China in the United Nations. In this context the event will focus on reviewing the efforts made by ITU, as the lead technical agency on ICTs of UN system, for the development of ICTs, standardization work and enhancement of radiocommunications.

The objective of the event is to further strengthen international cooperation in order to use ICTs for shared future development and achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Provisional Agenda

​09:00 - 09:30
GMT+8 (Beijing)
Opening Session​
Moderator: Chaofeng XU, Director General, Department of International Cooperation, MIIT

- H.E. Mr. Weizhong QIN, Mayor of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government 
- H.E. Mr. Houlin ZHAO, Secretary General of International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
- H.E. Mr. Zhijun WANG, Vice Minister, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) of China

Keynote Sessions: Collaboration with ITU for Developing a New Digital World
Moderator: Mr. Xiaohui YU, President of China Academy of ICTs (CAICT)

GMT+8 (Beijing)
Session 1: Coordinated Efforts on International ICT standardization
(moderated 50 Minutes, 6 speakers)
Emerging technologies, business models and formats call for new standards. For such standardization requirements it is necessary to have an open process, establish mutual trust and pursue win-win international cooperation. 
This session would attempt to promote international cooperation on standards in the digital field and highlight the importance of standardization to develop future digital ecosystems. 

- Mr. Hequan WU, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
- Mr. Bilel Jamoussi, Chief, Study Groups Department, ITU-TSB
- Ms. Duo LIU, Director General, Department of Science and Technology, MIIT
- Mr. Luis Romero, Secretary General of ETSI 
- Mr. Ran XIAO, Vice President of Huawei
- Mr Heung Youl YOUM, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute of Korea, Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 17

GMT+8 (Beijing)
Session 2: Bridging the Digital Divide and Expanding Global Digital Connectivity
(moderated 50 Mins,6 speakers)
The pandemic together with global changes has made it essential to help each other and be inclusive, to strengthen cooperation on infrastructure development. New digital applications, services and infrastructures provide a new opportunity to narrow the digital divide and achieve global digital connectivity.
This session would discuss the innovative ICT development models and impactful partnerships to connect the unconnected. 

- Mr. Cun XIE, Director General of Department of ICT Development, MIIT
- Mr. Stephen Bereaux, Deputy Director, ITU-BDT
- Mr. Guiqing LIU, Vice President of CHINA TELECOM
- Mr. Masanori KONDO, Secretary General, Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT) 
- Mr. Xiquan YU, Director General, Industry and Information Technology Bureau of 
  Shenzhen Municipality, China
- Mr. John OMO, SG-African Telecommunication Union (ATU)

GMT+8 (Beijing)
​Session 3: Exploiting the Value of Spectrum Resources through Cooperation
(moderated 50 Mins, 6 speakers)
A new round of scientific, technological and industrial revolution is thriving, and it is important to ensure the rational, equitable, efficient and economical use of the radio-frequency spectrum by all radiocommunication services, including those using satellite orbits.
This session would involve discussion on ways of comprehensive economic and social development through cooperative and consultative approach to efficient management of RF resource at national, regional and international level. 

- Mr. Jianjun CHENG, Director General, Communications Administration of Fujian 
  Province, China
​- Mr. Jing SUN, Chief Executive Officer, China Satellite Communications Company
- Mr. John Giusti, Chief Regulatory Officer of GSMA (Speech received)
- Mr. Xinhui WANG, Vice President of ZTE 

GMT+8 (Beijing)
Appreciation for the Contributions by Chinese Entities to the Work of ITU
Moderator: Chaofeng XU, Director General, Department of International Cooperation, MIIT
