0800-0900 Registration
0900-1030 Opening Session
Sameer Sharma, Regional Director a.i., ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
0930-1045 Session 1:
Global overview of DLT (including Blockchain) Ecosystem and Technologies
Objective: To provide an overview of DLT Ecosystem and technologies.
Skylar Hurwitz [Presentation]
1045-1100 Coffee Break
1100-1230 Session 2: DLT based applications and an assessment framework
Objective: To provide an overview of DLT application and an assessment framework.
Skylar Hurwitz [Presentation]
1230-1400 Lunch
1400-1500 Developing DLT projects
Objective: To understand the framework for developing and managing DLT projects
Jamie Cerexhe [Presentation]
1500-1530 Coffee Break
1530-1700 Session 4: Working group exercise
Jamie Cerexhe [Presentation]