ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

ITU NBTC Training on Building Distributed Ledger Technologies Project

​​​​5-8 November 2018, Lancaster Hotel, Bangkok

The ITU NBTC training on "Building Distributed Ledger Technologies Technologies Projectconducted from 5-8 November 2019. This training organized jointly by the ITU and the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC). 

The training aimed to
- provided an overview of Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) technologies, trends and assessment techniques; and
- build skills on developing and implementing DLT based projects​. 

The traininig draws on the outcomes of ITU-T Focus Group on Applications of DLT (Visit Website)


5 November (Day 1)

0800-0900 Registration

0900-1030 Opening Session

Sameer Sharma, Regional Director a.i., ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific​

0930-1045 Session 1: Global overview of DLT (including Blockchain) Ecosystem and Technologies

Objective: To provide an overview of DLT Ecosystem and technologies.

Skylar Hurwitz [Presentation]​

​1045-1100 Coffee Break

1100-1230 Session 2: DLT based applications and an assessment framework

Objective: To provide an overview of DLT application and an assessment framework.

Skylar Hurwitz​ [Presentation​​]

1230-1400 Lunch

1400-1500 Developing DLT projects

Objective: To understand the framework for developing and managing DLT projects

Jamie Cerexhe [Presentation​​]

1500-1530 Coffee Break

1530-1700 Session 4: Working group exercise

Jamie Cerexhe [Presentation​]

6 November (Day 2)

0900-1030 Session 5: Security Issues in DLTs

Objective: To provide an overview of security issues in DLTs.

Skylar Hurwitz [Presentation]

1030-1100 Coffee Break

​1100-1230 Session 6: DLT Programming

Jamie Cerexhe [Presentation​​]

1230-1400 Lunch Break

1400-1500 Session 7: DLT Programming

Jamie Cerexhe [Presentation​​​​​]

1500-1530 Coffee Break

1530-1700 Session 8: Working group exercise

Jamie Cerexhe [Presentation​​]

7 November (Day 3)

​0900-1030 Session 9: DLT policy and regulation

Objective: To understand the policy and regulatory issues in DLT

Ashish Narayan & Martin Adolph [Presentation​]​

​1030-1100 Coffee Break

1100-1230 Session 10: Working group exercise

Jamie Cerexhe [Presentation​​]

1230-1400 Lunch Break

1400-1530 Session 11: Working group exercise

Jamie Cerexhe [Presentation​​]​​

​1530-1600 Coffee Break

1600-1700 Session 12: Working group exercise

Jamie Cerexhe [Presentation​​]​​

8 November (Day 4)

0900-1030 Session 13DLT Case Study

Objective: To present a practical case on DLT

Ashish Narayan  [Presentation​]​

1030-1100 Coffee Break

​   1100-1230 Session 14: Working group exercise

Jamie Cerexhe [Presentation​​]

  1230-1400 Lunch Break

1400-1530 Session 15: Working group exercise

Jamie Cerexhe [Presentation​​]​​

​1530-1600 Coffee Break

1600-1700 Session 16: Working group exercise

Jamie Cerexhe [Presentation​​]​​
